Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [adj] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Eat the high-fibre vegetables for their value in health and weight control , but by all means add more variety and colour to your plate , if you wish , with these harmless foods which do n't provide enough calories to slow your weight loss .
2 If the information is acceptable , LIFESPAN will automatically fill in the missing identifier/title , and display the current details for the Product ( if any exist ) .
3 Repeat the above steps for each Program Group and each Program Item that you will want to use through the DOS shell .
4 The six-year course ( intended principally for non-Science pupils at school ) is provided for well-qualified students who lack the requisite subjects for entry to the five-year course ( see the Table of Admissions Requirements ) .
5 At the present time , the keyboard , screen and printer remain the dominant devices for communicating with the computer , with tape and disc as the principal storage facilities .
6 Apart from some rudimentary agriculture , and the building and sailing of prahus , Bira 's only other income was earned by the village 's four intrepid python-hunters , led by Rindi , who sell the live snakes for their valuable skins to Chinese traders up the coast .
7 The panel of forecasters who track the largest economies for The Economist says the GDP of nine European countries will contract by 0.4% this year ( chart 1 ) .
8 We could go even further in the drive to influence the influential and make the global links for world leaders .
9 Most big banks make the same charges for club accounts as for ordinary personal ones — which means that you may have to pay up to 70 pence for every cheque you write .
10 I suggest the following steps for all Christians , but particularly for the church planting team .
11 In summary : ‘ Assess your own performance , you 'll probably be far tougher on yourself than I 'd be ; suggest the next steps for improvement . ’
12 The academic disciplines of linguistics , psychology , sociology , and education provide the essential bearings for the professional teacher both in the ideas they generate and in their processes of enquiry , and it is the task of applied linguistics ( whose name belies its scope ) to make the insights these disciplines offer accessible for appraisal and application .
13 Teachers must value the child 's contribution and through anticipation of his or her needs provide the necessary tools for the child to exhibit the work in the best possible light .
14 Level 1 indicates the ability to perform basic or routine activities which provide the broad foundations for progression .
15 In book I of the Laws Hooker showed that the Scriptures could not , as the Puritans maintained , provide the only rules for human conduct .
16 Culture and common descent provide the main claims for national differences , but other criteria have also been used .
17 In the context of incest this is even less defensible — first , because eugenic reasons no longer provide the main grounds for criminalization ; and second because the primary rationale of punishing the sexual exploitation of children within the family applies no less to other serious sexual behaviour , such as oral and anal sex .
18 The creation of wealth and national harmony represent such values , and as rhetorical common-places , they provide the non-controversial sources for justifying matters which might be points of controversy ( Billig , 1987a ) .
19 Such procedures provide the basic requirements for the construction of a knowledge-based designing system .
20 Ferries run day trips to Corfu and Parga , and two water ski boats tout the various beaches for custom .
21 Cook the chopped mushrooms for 1–2 minutes in the stock with the chopped onion .
22 Send a few pages for a free quotation .
23 And I want a dozen bottles for myself ’
24 It does not rule out habitual sniping or genuine interest , preclude competition for students , or prevent the longer-term struggles for academic territory or prestige which characterize the development of the ‘ map of knowledge ’ .
25 They list the specific clauses for which the exemption is granted , and so-called ‘ black ’ clauses which if present in an agreement result in its losing the benefit of the exemption , and clauses which are not generally restrictive of competition and whose presence will not affect the exemption .
26 it would erm you know , alienate the middle peasants for
27 Tables II and III show the mean values for basal UOS pressure according to arousal state , symptom classification , and presence or absence of neurological deficit .
28 And to show you what the situation is er the world 's energy demand is very likely i i i is almost certain to increase er because of development in the world and also because of the growing population er that arrow is some sort of guess as to how the world er the demand for energy worldwide is likely to increase when you set that against the curves at the bottom which show the likely projections for oil and natural gas as you can see as we get into the next century those er fossil fuels , which we 've been using with gay abandon for many decades , will start to into er decline .
29 In this paper , we shall review the relevant literature , including that from other applied social sciences , and show the operative implications for research and practice .
30 I wonder if they charge the same prices for their take away as for sitting at the table .
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