Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [adj] [noun pl] we " in BNC.

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1 We can only break our of this vicious circle by understanding the factors that influence the dietary choices we make .
2 ‘ The prototypes will enable us to evaluate how the public receives multimedia systems and whether they bring the cultural advantages we 're seeking , ’ said LeCoz .
3 The post-Comintern Communist Movement , the Socialist International , international Fascist organizations , and the Green movement ( about which more will be said below ) provide the only models we have for such organizations , and none of these can be currently regarded as successful in global terms .
4 Although we have not seen the report we have had encouraging indication that in some of the key areas BZW 's views and recommendations are broadly consistent with the views we have submitted to DTI and that they support the next steps we are taking .
5 Consider the different ways we can use a key : to open doors or containers or gates that have long been locked : " Are you sure you want to do this ?
6 We must develop policies that meet the new challenges we will face as Britain prepares to enter the 21st century .
7 I reckon when we get the actual shoes we may find some more .
8 ‘ Now we have to put that behind us and get the two wins we need to be safe . ’
9 And then we had the er the battledress was issued , the khaki , and erm we was had our head headquarters were started , the headquarters were started in an office at , one of the office rooms at the at the Bloxwich Lock and Stamping Company by the , the top offices we used to call them , by the gates , we had one of the rooms there for and it eventually became the armoury when we got some equipment because rifles etcetera was in very short supply after Dun Dunkirk So eventually we had a few rifles and er when the er we got a few rifles and er the sirens went it was the practice at the beginning when the sirens went in this area for everything to stop and everyone down the shelter but it happened four or five times , everybody realized how non-productive this was , that the time that was lost and there was nothing happening in this area so it was decided by the R T B that we , the , the people off the shop floor would n't stop work until the attack was really imminent or it had started because if this , this was happening all over the Midlands area and of course if you , if you multiply that by the number of people at work you can imagine how much production was lost erm and also when the sirens went Major at the factory used to get the chappies out from off the shop floor , get the few rifles we 'd got , take we in to King George 's playing fields there was a , a brook running across King George 's playing fields then , it had n't and a trench which was extended to stop er aircraft from landing in King George 's cos it was just a big open space .
10 She said , ‘ I was born in Upper Pitt Street and I remember the hard times we had . ’
11 we use the same words we use them in different in the different area accents but i that 's all it is .
12 Moreover , we recognise the seminal changes we are seeking in the approach to development and ‘ progress ’ may well require fundamental institutional changes beyond that envisaged in Threshold 21 .
13 I think the first ones we had were about nineteen thirty six I believe .
14 But i I did feel it was airing those possible scenarios to get a reaction and I think the forty minutes we 've had discussing that have been extremely valuable as far as we 're concerned .
15 I reject the shallow lectures we are getting from some quarters . "
16 The following three lemmas express the formal properties we will require of syntactic approximation .
17 These reactions accurately reflect the vivid metaphors we find in the Bible , used by its writers to describe the impact God 's word made in their own experience .
18 Just the handling of equipment , and the new video equipment being delivered , and the hope that the division will invest in its own equipment , erm maybe it 's just a question really , do n't know if people here could help to answer it , but erm the more video equipment we have the more problems we have actually with erm just keeping it all up together , keeping it all working , and it is a constant problem with stuff being borrowed and coming back with bits missing or bits not functioning , mostly leads .
19 Although many people possess the psychotic traits we have been discussing , only a few will show the signs of even a borderline disorder and still fewer will develop a full-blown psychotic illness .
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