Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [adj] [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 Isolated , earning low wages , they mostly lose the statutory benefits which it has taken most of the century to establish — sick pay , paid holdiay , paid maternity leave , national insurance and redundancy notice and compensaiton .
2 They highlight the false assumptions which underpin much social security provision .
3 The objective in doing so is to identify their ‘ true ’ nature or ideal character and distinguish or highlight the corrupt forms which have entered modern political consciousness as a result of rationalistic errors .
4 The issue will be whether the new government will have the courage to face the problems and introduce the harsh measures which will perhaps be required , at the price , it may be , of its own popularity .
5 They provide the basic impulses which prompt decisions and , as we have already seen , serve for us as important reasons for action .
6 If we recover more of a text 's historicity , recapture the lost agencies which originally motivated its emergence and come to understand more about the conditions of its emergence , we may find a cultural presence strange and apparently remote from our own .
7 This was , nevertheless , an increasingly commercialised society and ‘ the impersonal attitudes of the marketplace very soon supersede the romantic impulses which normally might develop ’ .
8 in the Journal of Physical Chemistry , report the first experiments which demonstrate that more open and disorganized carbon clusters collapse into a fullerene .
9 Fold forward and remove the four bolts which go into the floor and carry the seat out .
10 According to Mr Billington , the proposed changes in the law would ‘ effectively eviscerate ’ the US copyright registration system and remove the statutory incentives which mean that the Library of Congress receives the free deposit copies to which it is entitled .
11 High up the towers are sculptured bulls which commemorate the original animals which carried the building stones up to the top of the hill from the flat plain below .
12 List the particular circumstances which cause frustration and stressful tension to mount .
13 Extracts from the account book of the Derwent Ings reveal the subtle alterations which took place in the space of two generations :
14 It is essential to look beyond the public utterance dressed up in these metaphors of battle , and seek the structural forms which determine the ideological base .
15 Now let A , B be general , and let the equivalent transformations which give them canonical form be PAQ , RBS , where P , Q , R , S are non-singular .
16 The Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association said : ’ We support the broad aims which underly this Bill — improved school inspection arrangements and increased public access to information about the quality of the publicly-funded education service .
17 It is impossible to detail every virtue or fault you should look for when making your choice , but here I list a few pointers which may help .
18 If we consider the three services which formed the criteria for inclusion in the study , one or other of those was received by 35 per cent of cases in the specialist team , by 38 per cent in the generic team , and by 87 per cent in the team with an individual specialist .
19 Foam ribs and a plastic heat-shrunk film complete the enormous wings which , at 44 feet , give the aircraft its amazing 17:1 glider-like performance .
20 The remaining chapters in this part of the book examine the economic forces which have contributed to these trends and the impact which population change has in its turn had on the spatial organization of economic activity .
21 But that does n't go very far unless you also examine the structural influences which shape personal behaviour .
22 When the council had organized a festival to alert the people to the plight of Nicaragua , she alone of all the neighbours had climbed into the mobile coffee shop , which the council had provided , to drink Nicaraguan coffee and read the Nicaraguan posters which adorned the bulkheads and bulwarks of the van .
23 Launching the scheme , Chief Executive Ralph Hodge commented : ‘ As I have said on many occasions , the Quality Improvement Process must be central to the way we manage C&P and meet the many challenges which lie ahead .
24 A new Accreditation Sub Committee has been set up to ensure that proposed SVQs meet the stringent criteria which have been laid down .
25 From the point of view of social and economic policy I believe we face a choice : either we accept the present trends which will lead inevitably to a decline in individual freedom and responsibility and the restriction of opportunities for our children and grandchildren or else we face the seemingly impossible task of dismantling the corporate state .
26 ‘ Warrender display a few guidelines which I always follow , ’ said .
27 Right number ten , name the two fences which are only jumped once in the Grand National .
28 These define the professional standards which members must maintain as a condition of membership .
29 Scarborough Chamber of Trade president Ernie Gee said yesterday : ‘ We believe the misleading forecasts which have been given recently are losing the resort thousands of pounds in business . ’
30 Discuss the qualitative factors which are likely to have an influence on this decision .
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