Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 Which reminds me that the Jocks — I mean the real guardsmen who arrived from England this morning to make up the complement , not you phoney chaps , are going to be given their first lesson this afternoon .
2 Does any hon. Member seriously think that , after Britain has signed up for a single currency , we could go to war on our own and expect the 11 countries who share the same currency to stand idly by and see the value of their currency wrecked , for ever depreciating , just because Britain was in one of its periodic warmongering fits ?
3 I picture the few campesinos who guard the sacks moving away as we approach .
4 I hope the stuffy Royals who snubbed her now appreciate her honesty .
5 It was a horrific crime and I hope the two thugs who did it can be apprehended and sent away for a long time . ’
6 Consider the immense resources available to our nation , consider the British soldiers who must now be converging on the mutinous Indian plains from every part of the Empire .
7 I feel its failure every time I recall the two sisters who went into a Belfast cafe in the early 1970s and came out with no legs .
8 It was during dinner that Lydia had begun to think of Betty as her ‘ companion ’ — as the compilers of restaurant guides describe the nameless individuals who share their good fortune and have their meals paid for .
9 Oh , you get the few stalwarts who come year after year , but for the majority it 's their one and only chance to be pampered , to see places they might otherwise never see . ’
10 ‘ You remember the two men who came to see Daddy at the old house , do n't you ? ’ said Mother .
11 ‘ But if you remember Celia Hazell , surely you remember the other mothers who delivered around that time ? ’
12 ‘ And you know the two foresters who live here in the village : they 're fine when they 're at home , but when they go to the village they 're responsible for , in Dolpo , I bet they carry on like all the others do , terrorizing people .
13 I know a 51-year-old women who 'd embarked on a passionate affair with a 55-year-old , but was terrified of spending the night with him .
14 When you get a you get a dozen prisoners who are !
15 Do the mindless individuals who use unspeakable language in the streets and hurl vile insults at Her Majesty 's representatives and other dignatories ever pause to reflect that our standard of living , our Welfare State services … our economic health all depend on our links with Great Britain ?
16 Peter McEnery and Dorothy Tutin ( above ) play the middle-aged ex-lovers who iron out the wrinkles and get together just in time for the final curtain .
17 I join the many others who will welcome the prominence that my right hon. Friend gives to the enlargement of the Community , especially in the context of central and eastern Europe .
18 They heard Vice-Chancellor Colin Campbell thank the many graduates who have already contributed to the cost of the new Centre .
19 We would be open in the summer only and serve the many holiday-makers who swelled the local population from June until the end of September .
20 The belief has grown that somewhere in the urban jungles , there lurk the dangerous classes who will , if not closely surveyed and controlled , challenge the peace of the streets .
21 Yes , they do exist , if only briefly : to entertain or more usually frustrate the human porcupines who come out of summer hibernation around Christmas .
22 Identify the local politicians who are likely to be the most sympathetic .
23 People only see the good-for-nothing sons who hang around bars getting into fights and pushing drugs ; they do n't see the real shepherd , the man who spends almost all of his life alone , spends his days making the cheeses they take for granted and his nights sleeping sometimes only for a couple of hours because it 's lambing time . ’
24 The ‘ kinship defenders ’ see the natural parents who come into contact with statutory agencies as being in a relatively weak position , with their rights severely eroded by various legal provisions , most recently the 1975 Act which strengthened the powers of both local authorities and foster-parents to an unacceptable degree .
25 Most pubs in the country probably have a few regulars who think their local is the best in Britain … but one of them has just proved it .
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