Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [noun sg] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The slugs thus grow in length at the expense of the non-turbulent region .
2 I had to promise mum I 'd write to each of them , and apologise in person at the first possible opportunity , and also that I 'd stop off at Lochgair before I returned to Glasgow , to see dad .
3 I report to H.Q at the appointed time .
4 Stop for lunch at the Sucrerie de la Montagne en route , before spending the rest of the day at leisure in this city of wide avenues and tree-lined squares .
5 Whatever terrors awaited them in the city , it would be better to take a chance than simply wait for death at the hands of the Chelonians .
6 How could she remain here , see him again , and not die of shame at the memory ?
7 They roar with laughter at the funny bits .
8 Viewers saw him explode with fury at militiamen who tried to stand in the way of aid convoys , and shake with emotion at the tragic plight of victims of ethnic cleansing .
9 A recurrent problem encountered in investigations of processes is that measurements and analysis are conducted for a detailed level near the climatological station , in the soil pit or on an erosion plot , whereas many potential applications of process studies depend upon knowledge at a much greater spatial scale and possibly that of the world level .
10 The immediate side effects range from pain at the injection site to a constricting feeling in the throat — its long-term side effects are n't known .
11 ‘ That half-hearted performance you put on back at the police station wo n't be enough to convince her , not after what she witnessed last night … all your near-hysterical ramblings ! ’
12 Both the Secretary of State and the Prime Minister have made clear statements in the past 10 days that if the Scottish people vote for independence at the election , independence is what we shall have , but will the Secretary of State say a bit more today about how he answers the current argument about whether he has the right to run Scotland with nine Members of Parliament and , according to the latest poll , 18 per cent .
13 My constituents often look with envy at the relatively low freight costs for transport from the Scottish mainland to the Western Isles compared with transport costs from the mainland to the northern isles .
14 The children like this part , when the mermaid comes back to life , they quiver with pleasure at the strong magic of it .
15 And , when some other retired persons says in my presence ‘ I do n't know how I found time for work ’ , I no longer inwardly cringe with scorn at the well worn cliche as I used to do but instead I enthusiastically and of course sagely nod my head in hearty agreement .
16 Nowadays , we all swoon with pleasure at the sight of a cow .
17 A number of illuminating pieces of research have been published recently which look in detail at the way in which qualifications are used by employers in the process of the recruitment of young workers .
18 The minor claim is simply that if you it 's an empirical claim it says if you look at the fossil record , and you look in detail at the changes in the fossils , what you observe is not continuous steady change , but you see what they call stasis — that is nothing much happening for long periods of time , perhaps for millions of years , and then rather suddenly changes taking place .
19 It is the day when they stand in imagination at the foot of the Cross to witness the judicial murder of Christ , to remember their own failings and to anticipate the holiday — literally the holy day — for which they have prepared throughout Lent : the day on which they believe Christ rose from the dead .
20 With a security alert in operation at the GCHQ national security establishment , a suspected mole is mysteriously killed and linguist Bob Jones confides his misgivings about the intelligence business to his father Frank .
21 For instance , genes coding the proteins known as fibrinopeptides change in evolution at a rate that closely approximates the basic mutation rate .
22 Roots develop in abundance at the nodes on the stems .
23 A statement said that the IAEA had conducted an extensive inspection of the two units that remain in action at the Kozloduy station on the Danube .
24 Allow for backspace at the start of each shot .
25 If you just deal with politics at a surface , organizational level , you never understand how things have got to be this way .
26 Other graduates continue with economics at the postgraduate level ; some have taken up posts as economic advisers in Africa .
27 He smile in bewilderment at a succession of ads — the psychoprofile of mankind , he thought — and waited for the programme to begin .
28 I arrive at length at the present appeal , one striking feature of which is that , whilst not formally abandoning them , counsel for the applicant has not pressed with any vigour either of the grounds upon which the Divisional Court decided in his favour , namely that the Director was entitled to ask questions after charge but only after administering a fresh caution , and that the fact of such a caution would be a reasonable excuse for a refusal to answer , within section 2(13) of the Act of 1987 .
29 Go through gate at the bottom , cross the boggy ground to a stony lane .
30 " Wow , that was a smart trick , " breathed Joseph , his face alight with excitement at the thought of the drama .
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