Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] he that [art] " in BNC.

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1 If I also say to him that the lesson we learn from the United States is not to go down the route that he and his party have signed up to in signing up to a socialist manifesto for the European elections .
2 I agree with him that the practical objections to taking this course are not sufficient to prevent this House from establishing the law in accordance with both principle and justice .
3 ‘ I 'm not angry with our old friend , ’ Doctor Jekyll wrote , ‘ but I agree with him that the two of us must never meet again .
4 I agree with him that an unsatisfactory situation er was created in our legislation and in passing I would like to say how much we all welcome , I 'm sure the efforts of my Noble Friend to get legislation simplified , but erm on this particular matter which he has raised , I would like to try to comfort him if that is possible , because erm by getting rid of the er the sections two two A and three of the Police Act as they er nineteen sixty four as they have been amended and er substituting this clause to the Bill simplification will in fact have been achieved so far as the form is concerned .
5 Mauleverer had then proceeded to snatch the cover off the dish on Amiss 's tray , sniff disparagingly and explain to him that the ham was underdone and the eggs too hard .
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