Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] he as [art] " in BNC.

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1 I look upon him as the authentic voice of the Labour party , and I want him to be heard .
2 You look on Him as a father telling you what to do . ’
3 Begin with thanking me for him ; look at him as a person as important to me as you are . ’
4 As Jack goes on hunting , the little ones look at him as an expert .
5 The thing I remember about him as an engineer was that we used to get these forms that told you each week who you were going to be working on , what the line-up was , and I saw this thing and it said David Bowie , Studio Two .
6 Historians usually refer to him as a Monmouthshire man ; his family connections and his early employment as a schoolteacher at Talgarth suggest that he could have been brought up in Breconshire , where , in 1737 , he was converted by Howel Harris [ q.v . ] .
7 His admirers think of him as a national treasure , rather like the works of art of which he is Congress 's most passionate defender .
8 ( It is also true , however , that through misinformation and misleading press reports an alarming number of people increasingly think of him as a ‘ terrorist leader ’ ) He feels pressed by the black African leaders to the North who keep calling for him , to come and see them .
9 I think of him as an artist who writes history , and I take it that the history he writes includes the history he has principally suffered — that of Poland .
10 Mr Eliot has lived abroad so long that we rarely think of him as an American and he is never written about from the point of view of his relation to other American authors .
11 ‘ I think of him as the big brother I never had . ’
12 No he 's always , Fred , thou you think of him as the policeman do n't you that John Thaw .
13 It is obviously far more important in industrial selling than retail selling ; for example , a salesperson of office equipment may call upon many new potential customers , whereas a furniture salesperson is unlikely to search out new prospects — they come to him as a result of advertising and , perhaps , high street location .
14 He is tickled by the idea they all have of him as a fool and a hypocrite and a mass-murderer .
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