Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun sg] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lose weight the healthy way
2 New Zealand lambs and dairy cows grow fat the old-fashioned way , by grazing in sunny meadows , not by munching bags of feed full of additives or wandering about on pastures drenched in chemical fertilisers , as their European and American cousins do .
3 So I run Compass the opposite way to how the RSC was run at that particular time .
4 Using Option 9.2.0 , you give LIFESPAN the physical name of the terminal ( eg. TTA6 : ) and the time of the next required Offline run .
5 We have already flinched at ‘ oatmeal ’ , and of course they spell whisky the Irish way .
6 If you are successful and recover compensation the Legal Aid Board will have first claim on the money .
7 After three days of sniping and gratuitous pettiness , they allow Matty the very beginning of June or the very end .
8 Now they want doctors who deal wioth the physical side to think of the mental scars as well .
9 As we approach Christmas the real tragedy is that the vast majority of our friends — good , sincere people , most of them — will not get within a mile of the real meaning of Christmas .
10 A repeat performance the next week punctuated by a postcard from L. showing the entire Sistine Chapel ceiling on the front , and missing the word LOVE on the back .
11 Gustave Caillebotte THE ORANGE TREES ( 1878 ) A large painting of the artist 's family in the garden of their country estate .
12 For those who love nature the National Park there is marvellous for wildlife and alpine scenery .
13 Thank goodness the three pennies were in her hanky in the pocket on the right !
14 Thank goodness the old battle-axe has gone , ’ said Tamar .
15 And what happened in eighty three and eighty seven of course was that the local elections take place the Conservative party managers analyzed the results , fed them through the computers and you could come up with the fact that you would , looked like you were set to win a general election .
16 Runrig top the Celtic rock bill
17 Avoid food the same colour .
18 ‘ We 've goat the best Navy , the best aw'thin' .
19 Judge power The authorised number of Lords Justices was at present 26 , one less than at the same time last year .
20 Starting near the Cat and Fiddle Inn the raging tide of mud and uprooted trees created havoc in the narrow valley , sweeping away bridges , large sections of road and anything else in its path .
21 These include communication the corporate help desk , probably with the help of remote diagnostic probes .
22 The Daleks have double-crossed the outer galaxies and after the Doctor rescues them , their representatives leave to warn the Universe of the dangers of Dalek ambitions .
23 Out of the newly desperate and ruined petit bourgeois , and those faced with crushing poverty on the dole , Le Pen , the Lombard League and the German neo-Nazis have refound the classic base of racism and fascism .
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