Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun sg] [prep] the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 They want money from the £3 million Gulf Trust Fund to educate their children .
2 The two acres of grounds provide relaxation for the pair , whose love of gardening shows in the beautifully-kept lawns and borders .
3 Oil droplets and soot particles falling on to the Gulf waters , already suffering from oil spills , threaten the phytoplankton which supply food for the fish .
4 3. monitor and respond to anti-vivisection propaganda , provide information to the media about the use of animals in research and train speakers to take part in debates , discussion programmes , interviews , etc .
5 Offered for disposal to other groups , no-one was forthcoming as heavy corrosion in the main undercarriage units put restoration beyond the means of all but the richest of concerns .
6 Some patients may feel extremely insecure and show anger towards the staff .
7 It also suggests the need for a senior management team unfettered by the need to consult with or seek consensus amongst the staff .
8 I saw several give money to the people .
9 The Labour councillors voted to overturn the officers ' recommendation and give permission for the works to be demolished .
10 Of course , if the migrating Alu sequences are to spread to succeeding generations of animals , this cycle must take place in the cells that give rise to the sperm or eggs .
11 Um sometimes they attribute pleasure to the people they 're abusing .
12 They add realism to the sales routine in that they utilise more human senses than mere verbal descriptions or visual presentation .
13 I give credit to the people of those regions who , as we have seen , are realising some of the follies of the past .
14 The roots , being so prolific , also give shelter to the fry .
15 But how to deal with it and encourage loyalty , impose discipline upon the people of the future notional Christian state ?
16 It is most important that you get permission from the people you name before you start sending your c.v .
17 She said she aims to use her experience of public relations and communications to help promote the hospital centre 's services and monitor feedback from the people of North Staffordshire .
18 Further discipline yourself to get around your own organization and maintain contact with the people who count , the people who do the real work .
19 Whistle theme from The Trout as drive with carefree panache towards Pratworth .
20 And here , for the first time ever on a decorative plate by Coalport , a pair of lively Robins pay tribute to the works of one of the most respected bird illustrators of all time .
21 What the programme should do , however , is ( a ) draw attention to intermediate communication technology which functions independently ; ( b ) foster those technologies which allow control by the people , such as audio and video recordings , community press and community radio , and alternative computer networks ; and ( c ) contribute towards the development of communication policies based on the principle of people 's sovereignty .
22 ‘ How did people look after the sick and helpless ? ’ — ‘ Just as I do nowadays : I collect money from the people , and I give it to them .
23 When bees go food-collecting in the tropics , it 's not necessarily flowers they 're after — for Trigona hypogea , a dead toad will do just as well .
24 You claim relief from the people who collect poll tax .
25 It will enhance the survivability and combat effectiveness of the aircraft in hostile electromagnetic environments by providing a self-protection capability , including warning of hostile missile attack and initiation of counter measures .
26 Wright ( 1978 ) demonstrated that if we interpret the working class to mean manual workers who lack property in the means of production and are exploited ( have surplus value extracted from them ) , then only a fifth of the contemporary USA population fits the definition !
27 Politicians often lose touch with the people because they lack intimate constituency contact .
28 More than that , the occasioned uses of everyday concepts constitute part of the data on which we then perform sociological analyses , which we , in turn , reflexively validate by our own background members ' knowledge of the world and our own everyday social reasoning .
29 We will ensure that guarantees mean what they say , and that manufacturers or importers share responsibility with the people who sell their goods .
30 As an assistant you will probably gather information , draft press releases , make up media invitation lists , search out information , set up meetings with outside specialists and consultants , deliver information to the media ( here is a chance to chat and get to know some faces in the media world ) .
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