Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The Government provide grant in aid for the British Academy to support postgraduate research in the humanities and social sciences .
2 The populace has deferred to the independent authority of government and to those who occupy government in return for the satisfaction of expectations .
3 Only the Lollards , however , seem to have elaborated a pacifist doctrine founded upon the Biblical injunction against killing : the tenth of the twelve Lollard conclusions published in 1395 declared that ‘ manslaute be batayle or pretense lawe of rythwysnesse for temperal cause or spirituel withouten special revelaciun is expres contrarious to the newe testament , the qwiche is a lawe of grace and ful of mercy ’ .
4 So boldly mix mod with trad for eyecatching results and maximum flexibility .
5 Several African countries actually export food in exchange for arms .
6 Please show date of birth for Junior Championship contenders .
7 Members still enjoy freedom from arrest for a period extending from 40 days before the commencement of a session to 40 days after it .
8 With encouragement from the paper 's enlightened sports editor Clifford Makins — ‘ he was a widely read man with respect for The Word , who believed that sports writers who are insular are doubly boring ’ — and a chance opportunity to write a boxing piece , McIlvanney was on his way , armed with Makin 's almost religious guidelines .
9 Travel Insurance per person for 2 weeks +£17
10 Travel Insurance per person for 2 weeks + £17
11 Board members have agreed to the plan , which also involves a shake up in delegating authority to improve security and ensure equality of treatment for schools .
12 Axe clue in search for couple 's killers
13 In MAR and JMB 's absence — pass mail to GWM/CMG for advice .
14 So because we can differentiate manufactured products very easily , and because consumers want differentiated products , alright get increase in demand for manufactured goods right .
15 if we demand freedom of secession for the Mongolians , Persians , Egyptians and all other oppressed and unequal nations without exception , we do so not because we favour secession , but only because we stand for free , voluntary association and merging as distinct from forcible association .
16 Contact museum in advance for details .
17 ‘ I pay cash on delivery for fish , which the fishermen like , so they always call on me first and we get super turbot , mussels , scallops , sole and plaice here . ’
18 There are plans to give everyone affordable health insurance , allow leave from work for anyone with a sick child or elderly relative to look after , and enforce a seven-day wait for anyone wanting to buy a handgun .
19 The proposals , agreed with the main lenders , Barclays and Midland , involve reducing core loans from £250 million to £130 million as the banks convert debt into equity for 10p a share .
20 Meanwhile , the deputy ministers claim progress on compensation for blood-transfused HIV-infected Canadians .
21 Zipup compartment behind collar for redundant hood .
22 The zoo provided a variety of animals ranging from chameleons to fire salamanders to show how animals use colour in nature for camouflage , warning and display .
23 Cleveland Aid for Romanian Children has set itself the task of completely renovating a 55-bed long stay hospital in Iasi for children suffering from hepatitis and diabetes .
24 Scrag end of mutton for weeks . ’
25 From the poor they extract money in payment for the good luck and fecundity that their blessings are supposed to impart .
27 Er and w you know we 've sort of evidence for that .
28 Despite the difficulties , people still regard access to education for their children as a ‘ passport out of poverty ’ .
29 Turn right across bridge and take path on right for Bolton Abbey/Cavendish , which leads back to bridge .
30 Stab victim in fight for life
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