Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Tap Esc for Escape to finish saving .
2 Tap Y for Yes , to replace ; tap N for No to skip and continue , or tap Esc for Escape to finish
3 Tap Esc for Escape to return the cursor to the window .
4 Smaller producers complain that the big players deliberately over-expand capacity in order to cause a ‘ shake-out ’ of the competition .
5 Ms Fahey departed from her employment in the Decca Records press office in order to become a co-founder of the seminal trio , Bananarama , with which she enjoyed multiple success ‘ singer ’ lieder such as ‘ Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye ’ and ‘ Robert De Niro 's Waiting ’ .
6 However , a month later as I put pen to paper to record the events it all seems very clear ( but no less stupid ! ) .
7 Protest rally in bid to save birth unit
8 Performance management : providing the means to enhance competency and stimulate development in order to achieve organisational objectives .
9 At obstructions , like the bath side , cut cladding to size to fit between the dado rail and the top of the bath .
10 Many of these people are migrants from the lowlands , where most of the country 's agriculture is located , who have little money to invest to ensure success in the longer term and who lack security of tenure to make farming the heritage enterprise that it is in many nations .
11 The first is the principle of integrity in legislation , which asks those who create law by legislation to keep that law coherent in principle .
12 The cathedral of Bayonne is another disappointment if , like me , you travel south in order to rest eyes sated with the Perpendicular and Pointed on the rounded splendours of the Romanesque .
13 This applies not only to plaintiffs but also to defendants who give notice of intention to defend
14 He no longer has to enter a conditional appearance , since that practice was abolished when acknowledgements of service were introduced , but must file his acknowledgement and give notice of intention to defend and then issue his application to set aside service and the renewal order within 14 days .
15 The UCTA is concerned to regulate the use of clauses which exclude liability for failure to perform , for certain other types of tortious acts , and for failure to comply with certain warranties implied into contracts for the supply of goods and services under the SGA and SGSA ( for instance as to good title under the SGA ) .
16 We get chance after chance to make it right and what do we do ?
17 Recovery position 90 ° to the wind ; lift end of boom to flick rig , then proceed as in ( a ) ; swim rig into position .
18 And women get time off work to come here . ’
19 I assure him that the Government 's support for LEDU , and the money with which they provide it , continue year on year to match the needs of small business .
20 The police are also urging people who keep money at home to have it banked for safety — they want to make sure that people like phylis do n't lose cash that took years to save in just a few short seconds .
21 Most weekends , they labour side by side to conserve funds for the jobs they can not tackle .
22 Determine position of outlet ( directly above drain ) and screw outlet and end bracket in place to give a fall of 1 in 500
23 ‘ These arguments ( against fast foods ) use lack of balance to dramatize a point that would be seen instantly to be ludicrous if presented reasonably .
24 Therefore I would say a poem such as " I wandered lonely as a cloud " is not a good subject for one picture — because the poet can jump around over such a vast expanse and bring image after image to mind :
25 I share kindness in order to let others be themselves .
26 Leave cake in tin to cool .
27 I employ comparison in order to get to grips with relations rather than as a realist method of generating ‘ … conceptually informed causal analysis ’ ( Dickens et al . ,
28 Religion has taught , to a greater or lesser extent , that we need the cessation of what we call life in order to gain joy , fulfilment , freedom and liberation from our toils and troubles , promising perfect bliss after death .
29 Fold flap of pastry to enclose ends .
30 In Schedule 4 to the rules , there are four forms of petition , namely : Form 6.7-petition on failure to comply with a statutory demand for a liquidated sum payable immediately Form 6.8-petition on failure to comply with a statutory demand for a liquidated sum payable at a future date Form 6.9-petition where execution or other process on a judgment has been returned unsatisfied in whole or part Form 6.10-petition for default in connection with voluntary arrangement .
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