Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb infin] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Make do with a passionate summer and security will soon follows !
2 For it costs money to immunise needy children , investigate AIDS and treat TB , train more minimum wage workers to break out of poverty and help the displaced , including those let go from a shrinking military .
3 Mitch Cook 's free-kick was hacked clear to Steve O'Shaughnessy on the edge of the box , where the Bradford old boy he was released by them as a youngster let fly with a powerful right-foot shot which Bradford keeper Paul Tomlinson allowed to slip under his body .
4 As the Merseysiders struggled to get into the match , Beagrie picked up a short corner on the left and let fly with a tremendous swirling drive that ricocheted into the net off the post .
5 Moments later David Burrows let fly with a rasping left-foot drive from 20 yards that had goalkeeper Stanislav Cherchesov grasping to touch the ball over .
6 He started the move with a pass to sub Dolby who let fly with a fierce shot that keeper Digby could only parry and Goodman , who had continued his run , knocked in the rebound .
7 A stocky , red-faced fellow with hairy warts round his mouth grinned a gap-toothed smile , pulled open a shutter and let fly with a huge arbalest .
8 As David Aers has skilfully shown , the merchant , the monk and the very language of the Shipman 's Tale do co-act at a general level to show a society where spiritual growth has been stunted , or rather deformed and directed away from an ideal moral and spiritual state .
9 So , as with lathes and the skilled turner , so also with the CAD system and the designer , possibilities do exist for a symbiotic relationship between the worker and the equipment .
10 If problems do arise during a large project , do n't hesitate to deal with them firmly and immediately .
11 Balancing an existing roster is of primary importance to a major company , whereas some smaller independent companies can and do concentrate on a particular sound or style of music .
12 Of course , where the science fiction writers really go to town is on what happens if you do fall in a black hole , A common suggestion is that if the black hole is rotating , you can fall through a little hole in space-time and out into another region of the universe .
13 State agencies do act with a considerable degree of autonomy , and take limited account of their interaction with other branches of the government .
14 Also , any attempts to kill wild animals , or almost all attempts , do result in a large amount of suffering .
15 You do speak in a strange way , like the old eagles used to . ’
16 In this play , the king and his army do battle with a larger force representing ambitious elements in the church .
17 Class Action — Father and daughter Gene Hackman and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio do battle in a crowded courtroom .
18 Roberta Junk do sound like a wacky tip for the top !
19 Roberta Junk do sound like a wacky tip for the top !
20 Do work on a good address position .
21 Others can and do work in a different way .
22 What I do mean is that although most women do hope for a happy and loving relationship with their husbands , the attainment of this is not the purpose of marriage .
23 Clearly some forms of written language , for example personal letters , do rely on a shared knowledge base and some oral language , for example lectures , can employ the autonomous language of text ’ ( ibid. p. 10 ) .
24 ‘ We do go for a certain amount of fragility .
25 Er during my comments yesterday sir , I you 'll not be surprised that if with a very strong emphasis on if , er the the panel do go for a new settlement , we do in York feel very strongly that er the issue of priority for public transport usage should be a very high one in this criteria .
26 If you do go to a second investment advisor and John may well advise to do so .
27 Freight trains are a mile long and their lonely whistles do blow whoo-whoo in the night ; Coney Island hot dogs do come with a million toppings ; hamburgers are gigantic .
28 People do live in a certain fear of him and anxiety about how he 'll respond to anything done up there in Inniskeen .
29 erm I think we do live in a patriarchal society where , even if , for example , some of the single carers that I interviewed — three were men out of eight or nine — and they had an equally hard deal , because the rules are stacked against people caring for dependents , whether the people who care are men or are women .
30 There is an optional metering scheme , and if you do live in a higher rateable value property , and you do n't use er above average amounts of water , you 'd probably you 'd probably benefit from put a water in or have a water meter installed .
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