Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But I intend to drive the strategy that is already in place and leave my successor to drive it even further . ’
2 Criticisms of the view of auditory deprivation ( Bench , 1979 ) and of bilingualism ( Arnold , 1982 ) tend to miss the point that language acquisition occurs through interaction .
3 Tax administrators often see tax theory as a luxury to be indulged in in any odd moment they might have to look up from their files , while tax theorists tend to see the administration and practical aspects of taxation as an easily coped with minor irritant , or deviation , from their ‘ grand design ’ .
4 If we live on continents , we tend to see the world as land inconveniently dissected by expanses of water .
5 Finally , all these remarks tend to confirm the view that the infinitive is the most virtual form in the system of the verb ( cf.
6 I will not go further than to say ’ around 40 ’ , but we certainly intend to implement the programme that we set out in ’ Options for Change ’ .
7 Social historians tend to support the view that industrialisation destroyed the apprenticeship system .
8 We certainly intend to enjoy the hunting and bag ourselves some of Cochin-China 's rare game animals .
9 Executives tend to monopolize the information that assemblies need to do their job .
10 The conference condemned what John Lamb , a public employees union official , said were attempts by the new North Ayrshire and Arran NHS Trust to circumvent the law and reduce the pay and conditions of 700 ancillary workers .
11 I mean you want to see the world when you you know when you 're fit and able .
12 If you are sexually assaulted in any way , the Rape Crisis Centre ( see Helplist ) will offer confidential support , regardless of whether you want to report the attack or not .
13 Call me an egotistical slime , but I only want to preserve the purity and integrity of the current alternative , and hope that it wo n't pass through the mass-media grinder into the mainstream , where it will eventually be recalled as one more passive , stupid fashion .
14 ‘ In any case we want to continue the investigation and if necessary will take the matter up with the appropriate authorities . ’
15 We want to restore the pride and local commitment that died with nationalisation .
16 In loose leaf format contained in a clear plastic wallet , these are designs to use again and again , singly or in a combination , whenever you want to catch the eye and the compliments .
17 ‘ Got to rush now , Bob ; want to catch the bank before they close .
18 We want to find the probability that the sum-vector should lie in the region is the probability density or probability per unit volume and we understand by dR the volume element dX dY dZ .
19 you want to know the content and you want to know the delivery
20 Clearly , if we want to know the role that the body clock plays in our mental performance , all these other influences must be controlled or eliminated .
21 We certainly want to know the answer and the House of Lords , which is dealing with an appeal in the B and Q case , also wants to know the answer .
22 ‘ They want to know the score and who scored . ’
23 This might happen because the writer is tired , because he or she wants to get the writing over and done with ; but the fundamental reason seems to be that the writer has broken contact with the feeling that originally made him or her want to write the story or poem .
24 We want to render the wall and then paint it .
25 I.e. we want to create the impression that we are good people to do business with , so our customers come back and buy more of our books , so that makes more money for the company , which means they can pay us more money .
26 Somebody 's slipped over and they 've got all the grit in their knuckles in the part of their knuckles and you want to bandage the hand or there 's a cut on the hand , even on the palm , we can do that one later when it 's really , when it 's really a gash , gushing blood we can do this afternoon , I repeat again none of these which you 've done this morning will control severe bleeding , get it into your heads this is just to cover to keep infection out , alright , these are not to control severe bleeding just covering a minor wound or a graze , right ?
27 identify and recommend those whole school strategies which appear to enhance the confidence and achievement of pupils
28 IN THESE PAGES I want to discuss the possibility that the goal of theoretical physics might be achieved in the not-too-distant future : say by the end of the century .
29 If , therefore , women want to storm the citadel and share its existing treasures , they have to decide what to do about these autonomy-centred ways of thinking .
30 In the end , I just want to play the piano and move people .
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