Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 HEAVYWEIGHTS , it is said , take a while to mature but tend to remain longer in the sport .
2 Students appear to acquire more in the way of fluency than accuracy :
3 IF you want to get ahead in the fashion stakes , get a hat .
4 BUSINESSMEN who want to get ahead in the 1990s should move into the soft drinks , fruit and vegetables or household insurance markets , according to a report published today .
5 I think that Mr has lost his bet because we are a party who is not obsessed by ideology we are not prepared to act indefinitely like bulls in a china shop when the owners of the shop have an infinite supply of china We want to move forward and we want to move forward in the real world and the idea that a strong government and sticking to what you want through thick and thin when clearly you 're not going to get the result you want , as indeed the government did over the poll tax , in the end you have to recognise the reality the Labour group , as much as anything else , are part of that reality .
6 We intend to participate fully in the promised review of housing revenue account expenditure which is er coming later in this year .
7 The sources of gravitational radiation that experimentalists hope to detect directly in the near future are supernovae occurring in our Galaxy .
8 actually Galatasaray and other turkish teams seem to do well in the european cups from time to time … i do not have the stat 's right here ( or anywhere else ; - ) ) — but i 'm quite sure if you check it out you will see that G. have knocked out some other ‘ great teams ’ before Scum .
9 They always seem to live somewhere in the north as typified by this quotation from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle .
10 Because they can not generally be metabolised or excreted , organochlorines tend to accumulate gradually in the blubber , which in adult belugas accounts for 35 per cent of the body weight .
11 ‘ Acne suffers tend to exfoliate daily in the hope that blocked pores and spots will be prevented , ’ says Dr Fenton .
12 A Women 's Royal Voluntary Service organiser for more than 38 years , Eileen says : ‘ Honours should be given to people who decide to work voluntarily in the public interest .
13 There are , however , many newcomers who intend to stay permanently in the village and who are attracted , at least in part , by the very prospect of living in a ‘ real community ’ .
14 The junks start to roll heavily in the swell .
15 Two areas of France dominate French bikesport — the Auvergne area , which has produced Christian and Dominique Sarron , Morillas and 1982 250 world champ Jean Louis Tournadre , and the Cote d'Azur , which has given us Raymond Roche , Jean Francois Balde and Ruggia — and these local heroes love to get together in the winter for fun and games .
16 Leave to cool slightly in the tin before turning out and transferring to a wire rack to cool completely .
17 Leave to cool slightly in the tin(s) before turning out and transferring to a wire rack to cool completely .
18 With coalition bargaining , the bargaining units remain separate , but nevertheless the unions agree to act together in the pursuit of a common bargaining strategy in relation to demands and settlements .
19 Second , even if traders choose to trade mainly in the spot market , there is likely to be a delay in the response of the spot market to the arrival of information of a general nature .
20 ‘ For good reasons which you may or may not understand , I desire to remain here in the wilderness away from those to whom I may inadvertently bring catastrophe .
21 The fact that there are fewer young workers could mean that people have to retire later in the future .
22 That only leaves the one at the far end , which belongs to a couple who plan to retire here in the spring .
23 It 's especially important for the seven England players because we have to come here in the Five Nations in the New Year . ’
24 It could also tie up members of the C E C , the General Secretary , the Regional Secretary , the President , Officers and many others in internal wrangles new union just at the time when we need to look outward in the next two or three years .
25 You learn to sleep anywhere in the Army !
26 Further evidence that you have to climb solo in the big hills to make a name for yourself these days was produced , in dramatic fashion , in the Mont Blanc massif this summer .
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