Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Oh you want to see me in four weeks ?
2 But er you want to see me in four weeks to see about that ?
3 Now I want to see you in four weeks again .
4 Okay , what I 'm going to do now is I 'm going to split you in , into groups , I want to split you into two groups , we could have up to you , and the dividing line will be you and then at the back there .
5 So how much will th if you want to replace them by one pipe how much will this pipe have ?
6 For instance , if that 's an overseer 's house and you extend the town and want to turn it into two labourers ’ houses , all you do is add a w.c. upstairs , change the stair entry , and remove the coloured-tile decoration from the balcony and cornice . ’
7 That gives us the potential of raising two thousand pounds , because we intend to sell them for one ninety nine .
8 I hope to see you at one of the shows soon but do join me here next month for hints on lace knitting .
9 It was commissioned by the Disney Corporation , who hope to sell it for sixty thousand dollars .
10 Valley Canoe Products have located a source of indestructible deck elastics and hope to offer them in 6 and 8mm sizes .
11 And then again if agonisings about modern are seem to take us in one direction , the banning of books as reminded us , takes us in quite another , and we have to remember that for all practical purposes it was indeed a banned book for nearly fifteen years , from the Twenties into the Thirties .
12 But I still maintain to encourage them at twelve years of age to be ab oh I think it 's all wrong .
13 ‘ And if I could make one more suggestion — if I ask to see you at ten in the morning , and you wander in at ten-thirty , you will be looking elsewhere for employment .
14 And you used to er stand this on a house brick , like it might be on there , and you had another long stick and you use to hit it on one end and as it flew in the air you see it used to fly up then you used to have to hit it as far as you
15 Try to put them with one of their friends .
16 My father come to see me at one holiday and the Easter time he see something happen and they did n't like him and cos all my as cabin boy .
17 Also , it 's not just one market , essentially you have to treat it as fifty , fifty one markets .
18 We have to tackle it in two directions , and I think that education is going to be incredibly important in terms of trying to create a more appropriate atmosphere in the colleges , you know , because at the end of the day that 's where people spend an enormous amount of their time .
19 Now you need to do it with two .
20 Yeah , that 's what I mean , you have to do it on one two three .
21 My Lords , to those who er who have objected to erm a body of large numbers o o need to reduce it to sixteen er I would say that those on the er my Noble Friends on the front bench would do very well to give their attention to the possibility of reducing the number of the cabinet er to sixteen er er er I w er forebear from making er detailed suggestions
22 All this seems fairly straightforward , but the remarkable fact is that there are particles that do not look the same if one turns them through just one revolution : you have to turn them through two complete revolutions !
23 ‘ We have to get them from five games , while other teams only have three .
24 And then if we get agreement on a salary increase then we only have to pay it to one person
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