Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well-launched as it was , I regret to report that the organization of China-Canada Inc. seemed to die of inactivity after its founder left for China in 1946 ; it was , after all , very much of a one-man show and the big names on all the committees were more or less honorary only .
2 Those things will help Courtaulds and they tend to come when the economy improves .
3 The petition refers to nine separate matters which , it is alleged , tend to establish that the attack on Goddard was not pre-meditated .
4 Eugenists drew on recent research by the German biologist August Weismann to claim that the germ cells which controlled reproduction were distinct and independent of body or somatic cells .
5 You can decide how much you want to borrow and the repayment period that suits you best .
6 One of the most important changes I expect to see after the revolution is in the situation of children .
7 I want to know whether the legend thereon was printed , or machine-embroidered ; whether the label itself was stitched into the pants , or appliquéd in some fashion ; whether the label indicates an element of design , or whether the information it retails relates purely to the material constitution of the aforementioned pants .
8 Questioners also want to know if the government 's acceptance of an amendment to the present Energy Bill — which will force the electricity supply industry to consider combined heat and power schemes ( CHP ) as a statutory duty — heralds a shift in policy .
9 ‘ the facts of the present case appear to establish that the rogue assumed all the rights of an owner when he took or received the watch and ring from the plaintiff .
10 Because social anthropologists take it for granted ( sometimes mistakenly ) that the distinction between true-kin and affines is of absolutely central importance they expect to find that the behaviour that is appropriate between affines will be a kind of coded inversion of the behaviour that is appropriate between true-kin .
11 There are a number of forensic tests to be carried out but I expect to find that the razor was the weapon . ’
12 If we want to indicate that the man is not going to ride a specific horse but any horse or horses in general , then we can move yarraman into the dative case which is marked by the suffix ku .
13 I want to indicate that the decision to get involved in a dilemma is the real decision .
14 If we want to infer that the relationship between X and Y is a direct causal effect , rather than an indirect causal effect , a third assumption must be made :
15 Erm and er you also try , so , so really it 's a question of developing your own ideas about what you think you want to explore and the sort of skills and things that you want to try and develop ,
16 When b = 8/3 , the remarks of this section apply for r-values 24.06{ r { 28 but cease to apply when the spiral of homoclinic orbits about X in Fig. 6.2 is crossed .
17 I want to suggest that the idea of imaginary time is something that we will also have to come to accept .
18 Letting markets , rather than bureaucrats , set prices is the only way factories will get both the signals they need about what people really want to buy and the incentive to economise on costs .
19 In terms of growth that we actually want erm unlike I think perhaps one of the we do n't want to put all our eggs into erm one one basket erm one million pounds in terms of er of course we want to do that the income of the budget which is actually feasible and practicable er in terms of of I take it that as where it says the Liberal Democrats are going from a growth of a hundred and fifty million erm on town centres that there probably was an error .
20 Have some idea before you go into an agency of what you want to do or the type of company for which you want to work .
21 We want to stress that the term ’ minority ’ is in no way a reference to the importance of the work carried out by health visitors and nurses in the community , such as district nurses , community psychiatric nurses , school nurses , residential care nurses , occupational health nurses , practice nurses , nurse practitioners as well as those nurses who are working in terminal care .
22 I want to consider whether the way in which environmental impact assessments are drawn up at the moment is satisfactory .
23 We want to ensure that the drive to save money , to reduce bureaucracy and raise quality is powerfully led from the centre of government .
24 I want to ensure that the system works properly and effectively , but I assure Opposition Members that , if they persuade and encourage welfare rights organisations to make speculative claims , they are not helping those who are in real need .
25 That work will be completed as soon as possible , not least because , as it is a private-sector , commercially orientated project , its proponents want to ensure that the momentum is sustained — and we will assist them in that .
26 Let's face it , we 're quite selfish in the fact that we want to ensure that the area that we live in is safe for us and not too concerned that three or four estates down the road unless it starts to affect us .
27 So putting them in balance , I still want to hope that the light will overcome the darkness . "
28 Once you have chosen the approximate area in which you want to live and the area that fits your first criteria of need , want and mobility you must make a deeper assessment :
29 ‘ I always want to live where the sun shines , ’ she told Louise .
30 I want to repeat that the line was faint but it was definately Dr Kemp on the phone and that what I wrote was as near as anyone could get to what he said .
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