Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] to him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There 's nothing Jack loathes more than reading some publication in which I 've referred to him as a saint and I 'm sure Reggie feels the same way .
2 I 've talked to him about it . ’
3 He 's so bloated and , I mean I have n't seen him , I said I 've , I 've talked to him on the phone .
4 Er , it 's like , it 's like the foreman on the shopfloor for some reason , there 's a er , in the systems or whatever , er , the warehouseman er , the night porter er , when he takes over , he knows what he 's doing , he knows what I want , because I 've spoken to him about it , erm , he knows what items I want to leave for stock people , erm , and Sue , the checkout manager , she 'll know if I want extra people on the shopfloor because we 're quiet , or I expect it to be quiet , erm , she knows where they 've got to be , and I 'll come back and review it with her .
5 I 've spoken to him in the past about making the place over to you .
6 It was the first time I 've spoken to him in years . ’
7 ‘ I 've bowled to him for two days and I ca n't get him , ’ he explained , ‘ so I just want to loosen up . ’
8 When these films made over a twenty year period have , on rare occasions , been seen by Western audiences , critics have referred to him as neo-neo-realist or post-Brechtian film-maker .
9 During the last Employment Question Time , the hon. Gentleman asked me about job clubs in his constituency , and I have written to him about the matter .
10 Let me give you one scripture in closing , in two Timothy chapter one and verse twelve , the apostle says , for this reason , he says I suffer these things but I am not ashamed , for I know whom I have believed , and I am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day .
11 I 'm convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day .
12 India 's Shia Muslims , who were antagonistic to Mr Hussein over his war against Iran , have rallied to him with surprising haste .
13 HIS great courage and imperturbable COOLNESS in the face of what must at times have seemed to him to be insuperable odds WAS , I must confess — although I do not really like him — quite UNBELIEVABLE .
14 It is the duty of the trustee to report to the committee all such matters as appear to him or as the committee have indicated to him to be of concern to them with respect to the administration of the estate ( r 6.152(1) ) .
15 Will he carefully consider the representations that I have sent to him on that subject ?
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