Example sentences of "[vb base] [det] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Citizens in those countries retained allegiance to the political process , content most of the time to leave politics to elites , while believing that they could influence the outcome of both local and national decision-making if necessary .
2 They want most of the time to feel confident about what they are tackling , even if they make a few mistakes , and basically optimistic about their own future and the future of education .
3 Cooking up wonderfully complicated meals is fine for special occasions , but what most of us want most of the time are great ideas for quick meals that taste good without the fuss .
4 These results confirm those of the time series test in which high and low beta portfolios earned less than expected and more than expected respectively .
5 They did not , of course , know this at the time .
6 It is easier for this to happen if there are in any case two copies of most genes present most of the time , as in diploids .
7 Well if you remember most of the time the lights are off .
8 Consequently , protein-binding sites exposed during multiple dissociation events will most of the time escape the DMS attack and hence remain intact .
9 Sub-contracting works fine most of the time but if you want something done urgently and the typesetter is broken or tied up on a job for its owner then guess who 's work is going to have to wait .
10 And you firmly believe that at the time !
11 If you require delivery of your car to the airport into which you are flying , please state this at the time of booking .
12 Sales are somewhere in between since although there is a structured sales department , individual salesmen operate much of the time on their own .
13 For me back to basics is how I find most of the time to run my own life , which is there are two teams and on the one hand there 's compassion , integrity and courage
14 We just left it blank most of the time , because The Bar was always changing its name .
15 The present unfair , first past the post system favours Labour most of the time , so why do they complain when it goes against them ?
16 Is n't that what most of us do most of the time ?
17 That 's what we do most of the time .
18 The following , for instance , is just one among thousands : ‘ cooperate most of the time , but on a random 10 per cent of rounds throw in a defect ’ .
19 but er , I think most of the time the wedding in here is much more geared for how the bride look like and photographer , it is all the time for four hours , how you stand , it 's nothing normal , noth nothing natural , nothing
20 PP:I think most of the time I dim ! hit you , I just hit the air .
21 I du n no if you have n't done anything wrong I mean most of the time I mean every time Eleanor 's erm stopped talking to someone it 's always usually erm her misunderstanding something .
22 One thing he did want was money , enough of it , and pretty soon : ‘ Without money you miss most of the pleasures and lose most of the time , and do n't let's pretend otherwise . ’
23 Oh there 's a char , there 's a lovely char here , these lovely chars er actually spend most of the time in big cold lakes and they 're a , they 're a population in they normally respond in December from about December the second to the fifteenth and they 've probably been isolated since fourteen thousand years ago , with that every population has gone slightly different to , to the next one .
24 There is no official ‘ core curriculum ’ , but the evidence available suggests that PGCE courses spend most of the time covering common ground .
25 ‘ The programme concentrates mainly on Hollywood movies , because they 're the ones most people see most of the time , ’ Wood says .
26 These are the unthinking reactions we all have most of the time to various common facts .
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