Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But this does n't answer the more important question : how , and when , did a simple ( if magnificent ) living bird of the 1830s get turned into a complicated , transcendent parrot of the 1870s ?
2 Away you go and get turned into a human being .
3 It is interesting how often people get locked into a disagreeing ‘ spiral ’ where one disagreement breeds another which , in turn , breeds another and so on .
4 It is extremely important that you press more pieces from the bouquet than you think you will need , as some of the plant material may turn brown in the press or emerge pressed into the wrong shape .
5 If nature had been modelled by man into productive commodities , man 's own subjectivity had also become reified into a self-identical instrument ; man had become an empty and passive consumer .
6 I gather you 've looked into the whole thing . ’
7 And how about yourself , you obviously were n't that happy playing at left back for Oxford United , and you 've slotted into the central defence , playing a lot happier and of course , driving forward when you can for these goals ?
8 But in our time , it 's very quiet now so we 've we 've moved into a different routine again , where I have two two sergeants out at one time , changing over er frequently so they do n't get bored .
9 That is a stocking machine that we 've turned into an outer-wear machine .
10 I have to say though that with the terms on which we 've gone into the European Monetary System , a six per cent fluctuation either way , which as I said means from two seventy seven deutschmarks up to three thirteen ; there 's quite a lot of risk there for an exporter if he prices himself in deutschmarks and he gets it wrong .
11 So I said well I 've never been in the situation but I said if it , if it was , if I was in that situation I , asked to see the manager or person in charge , make an offer to pay for any damage that was done and if that did n't suffice then I would say well I am the care officer for a Mencap home and the only thing I can do is say will you er get in touch with my boss and it 'll have to be sorted out from Head Office and she said perfect , you could n't do anything better , then she give me all different things that we 've gone into the next day and the patient 's done everything down the bed , what would you do ?
12 ‘ Or perhaps we 've strayed into a black hole , ’ Philip Swallow continues , evidently enchanted with his flight of astronomical fancy .
13 Although the total proportion of diagnoses seems to be rising , the rise is steepest in those who historically have fallen into a high risk group — that is , woman aged 35 and older .
14 What will happen then to the objects , including possible spaceships , that have fallen into the black hole ?
15 The number of particles in the baby universe will be equal to the number of particles that have fallen into the black hole , plus the number of particles that the black hole emits during its evaporation .
16 Millward Brown use their own proprietary system of analysis — a form of mathematical modelling — to translate the data for each individual brand into a so-called ‘ awareness index ’ ; and many of their clients have fallen into the tempting habit of using this single number as a measure of the effectiveness of a commercial or campaign , rather than taking the trouble to make a more detailed study of the data underlying the index .
17 ‘ You have fallen into the common error , ’ she said .
18 ‘ Since coming back from maternity leave I have plunged into a new area .
19 These are now telecast live , or slightly delayed , and have developed into a major part of the state-run television schedule on a Saturday afternoon — with the consequent spin-offs to the various sponsors .
20 Moscato , Gimbert , lock Mougeot and flanker Courtiols were hand-picked by wily talent scout Appriou three or four years ago and have developed into a formidable outfit .
21 Scattered amongst the infinite variety of trees and plants are picturesque villages whose white-walled cottages have blended into the light-coloured landscape to give Ibiza the nickname ‘ La Isla Blanca ’ — The White Island .
22 Thieves have broken into an electrical shop and stolen several sophisticated radio scanners .
23 Geldart drools with enthusiasm when he speaks of some of the players who have broken into the first team or are on the verge .
24 Only one or two skeletons , in their finery , have collapsed into a mouldering heap on the tiled floor .
25 Herefordshire Friends of the Earth have looked into the Green Cone Scheme … and given them a guarded welcome :
26 You have left a place where you are loved and accepted and have come into a strange environment where you do n't belong to a family unit anymore .
27 The apostle Paul , answering the anxious questions of Christians whose loved ones had died , reminded them that Jesus ' own victory over death makes it certain that those who have come into a close relationship with him will share his new , full life which goes beyond the grave .
28 You have come into a classical company which makes sense of that training but what other ingredients do you think vital ?
29 ‘ You sound as if you have turned into a brainless ninny , like the rest of them , ’ Catherine said crossly .
30 Unisys Corp 's DCP line of Distributed Communications Processors for the 2200 mainframe line have moved into a new generation with launch of the DCP600 family of intelligent network processors , including fault-tolerant models .
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