Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] up [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You can already manage horses better than any man I know — with the possible exception of Tom here — and you 've picked up a good general knowledge of farming .
2 It has much improved printer support , though , and with 3D graphs at long last arriving on the Lotus menu , some users will think they 've picked up the wrong spreadsheet !
3 Through word of mouth and demand from customers , they 've built up a sizable business with five drivers .
4 ‘ We 've built up a great spirit and really enjoy taking part , ’ said Smith .
5 Over the last three years they 've built up a steady following , which is hardly surprising , since their stage show is one of the most acclaimed in local music .
6 I 've used up an awful lot of memory .
7 A government anti- hooligan committee has been sitting with the Football Association ; they 've drawn up a great body of information collated by the police football intelligence unit based in London .
8 We have taken a new initiative , brand new initiative , we 've set up a whole new scheme doing this that and the other da da da , and in a sort of a tail end ,
9 If you did n't see it , it 's a tricky one but there 's a good way , we 've brought up a good point as well , if we look at the car when the car comes up , who said Polo ?
10 ‘ Now you 've done it , ’ accused Linda , ‘ you 've woke up a poor young woman Sergeant Joe 's been lookin' after . ’
11 Goal hero Steve Mardenborough added : ‘ We knew we had to get a result because we 've slipped up a little bit recently .
12 ‘ I 'm afraid I 've taken up a good deal of your time for no purpose Mr. Preston .
13 EXTREME are storming the charts with their latest single , Rest In Peace — and to celebrate we 've lined up a super give-away .
14 ‘ We 've lined up a nice selection of videos — you must have first choice since you 've done all the work ! ’
15 For those of you who are intrigued by live television , we 've lined up a special Good Food Club Christmas treat this month .
16 In San Salvador , children have picked up a catchy radio tune about the Condor brand of condoms and can be heard singing in the streets : " Condor is your friend , — always take him with you ! "
17 In an improbable , but typical , detour in a review of a book about corsets , she asks : ‘ How has it come about that feminists have picked up the masculine notion that those women who are n't self-confessed feminists do n't known what they 're doing , half the time ? ’
18 They have picked up the wrong book and are probably in the wrong bookstore .
19 AN Asian family who have built up a thriving business in one of Scotland 's jobless blackspots are being kicked out of Britain .
20 If you have difficult or embarrassing questions to ask — about an unfavourable response to a reference , for example — leave it until the latter part of the interview when you have built up a reasonable rapport with the interviewee .
21 As one of the few African bands to make a lasting impression on the shores of the UK , the Bhundu Boys have built up a strong following .
22 We have built up a great deal of knowledge about the historical side of the palaces but that has not been presented to the public . ’
23 Although they have worked as a duo since 1987 and have built up a great following throughout these islands and abroad , their respective musical experiences go back much further .
24 Although he can not escape from the linearity of language ( see 7.2 , 7.5.3 ) , James does the next best thing , which is to fasten our attention initially on the most immediate feature of Pemberton 's predicament : his uncomfortable sense of indecision , and then to expatiate on it so that by the time we have threaded our way through two paragraphs , we have built up a sensitive grasp of the coexisting intricacies and ironies of that predicament ( the ironies will concern us in section C below ) .
25 These schemes have been designed for the elderly who have built up a significant amount of equity in their homes , but who have no means ( or no desire ) to service a new loan .
26 The domestic minerals industry and the planning authorities have built up a co-operative atmosphere over the years .
27 For borrowers who have built up a sizeable stake in their property , she points out that the Cheltenham & Gloucester ( 0452 372372 ) has reversed the usual lender 's practice of offering bigger discounts on larger loans .
28 Over the decades film editors have built up a classical ‘ syntax ’ of editing , which circumvents the lack of three dimensions by showing the same scene from various viewpoints , rather in the way an observer will watch a conversation by switching his attention from one speaker to the other .
29 This rule , still in existence while Visa and Mastercard fight a rearguard action with the Office of Fair Trading , prevents banks from processing card transactions until they have built up a large base of card-holders .
30 ‘ I 've had six years experience in this market and have built up a high personal profile among clients , ’ he explains .
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