Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] and [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where data do exist on support between kin across households , this tends in effect to be limited to documenting the networks through which support flowed and the kind of support which was given , and can give very little direct evidence about the underlying structure of social relations which supported these exchanges .
2 Claudia had wanted more fittings and Dana had promised that she would fit them in , but time passed and the dress still hung , swathed in its wrappings , awaiting her pleasure .
3 So you know what this is a measure of it 's not a measure of anything it does n't mean that one group 's done better than the others it just means that 's the way it 's been measured the work that they 've done has been measured by another group which is n't good or bad it 's just hopefully picking out the important criteria and applying them to the work that we 've done and the notes we 've produced and the way we 've marked other people 's .
4 No I 've made , it 's made an awful lot of difference to me the New Town I mean we 've got and the Council are very , very good to us , I mean we ca n't say they 're not , they 've had a , I 've had the gas central heating put in , I 've had a shower put in since I 've been here and I mean they do they look after us well , the only thing I 'm upset about that I 've put off the ambulance to go to Leah Manning on a Wednesday because they want me to go on a Tuesday and I can not go on a Tuesday because I have my friend come down which does all odd jobs for me you know , on a Tuesday dear and I just can not so I had to see Mr is it ?
5 Cocoa powder which I 've got and the chocolate dots
6 Five kids I 've got and the milkman do n't come till eleven in the morning .
7 ‘ I mean , ’ she spat out through her cigarette , ‘ I know maggots , you would do with the life I 've had and the Pig I was married to .
8 I mean , it 's been absolutely marvellous , the response we 've had and the energy and enthusiasm of everybody getting involved .
9 For banks , the immediate effect is to reduce the size of their balance sheets : deposit liabilities have fallen and the fall has been matched by an equal reduction in their deposits at the Bank of England .
10 Now their successes have been tarnished in a report by school inspectors who say that educational standards have fallen and the marking was far too lenient .
11 The recognition of Saxon settlements , not under medieval villages but in open sites which were later abandoned , has also indicated that settlement patterns themselves have altered and the desertion of individual settlements within the pattern , even in quite recent times , means that settlement patterns are as dynamic and changing as the settlements themselves .
12 Season with pepper , reduce the heat and steadily simmer , uncovered , for 20 minutes or until the flavours have blended and the meat is well cooked .
13 All you have to do is complete the attached freepost card , outlining the particular act of service you have received and the member of staff you wish to nominate .
14 Simplest of all is your own letter based on the advice of your lawyers , stating in formal legal terms the advice you have received and the action you intend to take if you do not receive a response .
15 The choice of printouts that are available at any time will depend on the type of garment you have designed and the way it is to be knitted .
16 Also the cutlery has warped and the cereal bowls have cracked and the lining paper has started its inexorable roll down the walls and the Hoovermatic has gone symptomatic and the Teflon 's gone AWOL from the frying pan and the tumble dryer 's lost its rubber .
17 Yes , yes , I mean this year , with the formula obviously , because the number of fire calls has dropped , it impacts upon er , as I say that , I do n't know whether the actual , the cost , the differential between the number of calls that have dropped and the drop in the S S A , whether it 's comparable , and I do n't suppose they 've got a measure of the drop , in S S A terms it 's far greater than the actual marginal costs of er , not attending those er , extra , extra fire calls .
18 and she said you know , use as many as you can which which we have done and a lot of blank spaces on them !
19 The good they have done and the influence they have had are known to God and cherished in the hearts of those who remember gratefully their words and their work .
20 It is a sad comment on our society that the Government can not see what they have done to young people and can not see the relationship between what they have done and the crime rate .
21 The court has to consider the child 's welfare as the court 's paramount consideration , and also has to consider the various aspects referred to under section 1(3) , that is they have to consider the wishes of the children , their needs , the likely effects on the children of change , the characteristics of the children , the nature of the harm they have suffered and the capability of the parents or anybody else offering themselves as carers , which would include of course the grandparents in this case .
22 ‘ I am very proud of the effort they have made and the sum raised . ’
23 That is why it is possible for a Christian in particular to feel at one and the same time joyful because the person who has died has entered eternal life , and overwhelmingly sad , or guilty , or relieved at the thought that they have died and the survivor is left with vast changes to absorb into their life pattern .
24 They wo n't understand the role they have played and the rift will only become wider .
25 Mrs Coates said : ‘ We have had a lot of support getting this set up , many local firms have contributed and a lot of people have given their free time .
26 Meanwhile , prison conditions have deteriorated and the public has lost confidence in the criminal justice system .
27 ‘ He has been worth every penny we have spent and every tear we have shed .
28 The crowds have disappeared and the weather is still warm .
29 Where tiger numbers have increased and the size of the reserve has stayed the same , there has been an overspill of tigers into areas of human occupation .
30 However , since then their oil prices have increased and the strength of the US dollar has made their exports to the UK less competitive .
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