Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [pos pn] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 've enjoyed our stay at the top and we want to stay there .
2 I 've phoned my friend at the hospital — a Dr Mackintosh .
3 ‘ You 've closed your exchange at two million dollars , ’ he said .
4 And tell her , I 've got her knickers at my house if she wants to come round and get them .
5 I 've got her address at home .
6 You 've got your fiancée at home , for the serious , lifestyle-building stuff , and you 've got the delectable Tara out here , for fun and relaxation .
7 We 've got our vehicles at quarter mile intervals all the way from Hilderbridge to Jackley . "
8 And we 've got his present at home .
9 I 've had my bite at love and I do n't intend to taste that bitter fruit again . ’
10 You 've had your fun at my expense .
11 I 'm looking to select patients who have a high pressure and a low flow and for the sake of this study I 've drawn my lines at fifty centimetres of water for detrusor pressure during voiding and , and er fifteen mils per second .
12 ‘ Well , I 've shown my feeling at last , Tess , ’ he said with a curious sigh , showing that his heart had overcome his reason .
13 Yes , yet you 've increased their rent at council houses by quite a considerable amount .
14 Erm , I 've left my bags at mums .
15 And he went on just across the road to Road Co-op and he bought a small loaf of bread which at that time would be about tuppence , and gave the old lady this small loaf about ten days afterwards he called again , he said , he said I 've come to see you again , now are you alright and so on , he said I 've done a foolish thing this morning , he said I 'm responsible for the flowers , altar flowers , he said and I 've left my wallet at my lodgings , and my landlady has gone down to for the day .
16 ‘ It 's not the first time you 've put your life at risk for the sake of a challenge and I 'm sure it wo n't be the last time either . ’
17 I have praised her effusively for her work — quite rightly — I have given her lunch at my villa — she refused the wine , though I observe she is guzzling Willi 's champagne without a shudder .
18 But its principled insistence upon grassroots-level work , criticising labour movement officialdom where necessary , has also produced difficulties : its inability to win sustained trade union support at regional level , over-reliance on the now abolished West Midlands County Council for core funding , and the instability of many of the community groups it serviced , have placed its future at serious risk .
19 It is because of that commitment and my understanding of the values and decent opinions of the Province that I have placed my resignation at the Prime Minister 's disposal .
20 PAVEMENT have cancelled their show at Cambridge Junction , due to a double booking at the venue .
21 ‘ I have enjoyed my years at Filmhouse immensely , knowing what we do makes an invaluable contribution to the cultural life of the city . ’
22 But I have met your brother at long last and Mrs Powers has been regaling me with the most fascinating pieces of village gossip . ’
23 We are preparing to move back to the States within the next month , and we will miss all of those persons who have made our stay at QP a pleasant one .
24 The American embassy in Beijing is said to have received envelopes containing a few yuan as contributions from ordinary Chinese to the war effort ; and young would-be volunteer fighters have offered their services at the Kuwaiti and Saudi embassies .
25 Most conservation bodies have used our data at some time .
26 But er unfortunately those on the ground who have shown their skill at wrecking anything that does n't suit their purpose with the support of the Labour group , those on the ground will still be there and I do n't believe that er giving the director of education the executive powers is going to stop them continuing to take the sort of action they 've been taking .
27 We have intensified our monitoring at Farmoor , spending in the region of one million pounds , er to monitor further for the parasite cryptosporidium .
28 On this occasion , their leaders have dragged their heels at every stage , without giving any of the ideas a chance .
29 Can I can I say before I do launch into the amendment to Mr that you have played your card at the last election and the Leicestershire public has resoundedly given their answer to your particular policies .
30 Ranged against these pro-Green Belt interests are those who feel that existing restraint policies have outlived their usefulness at a time of rapid socioeconomic change , and are positively detrimental to the communities they are meant to protect .
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