Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've met quite a few during the past five years , ’ he agreed smoothly .
2 I 've done quite a few ads , the latest Marmite ad is mine and now I 've got the part in Brookside which is great , I 'm really enjoying it .
3 He said : ‘ I 've done quite a few police jobs and appeared in front of the Royal Family .
4 Well the thing is after a while when you 've done quite a few it comes it comes fairly easy , and you can do it in your head .
5 We 've done quite an extensive survey around Ottery , looking at the times people use these facilities , and the weekends , especially Saturdays , is the favoured time .
6 I know down at Evans I 've noticed quite a few things in there , there are different
7 Well , I think perhaps what we 'll do cos you 've missed quite a few of these out so I think what we 'll do erm is to leave that what you 're doing there for a moment we 'll go through this mark this and the one 's you have n't done we 'll do so that you 've got this one straight .
8 you 've missed quite a few have n't you ?
9 We 've seen quite a dramatic increase this year .
10 I 've seen quite a few er in the so well you see we belong wi the Guild is fit into three tiers .
11 Peach and cherry trees are out in blossom , and we 've seen quite a few birds .
12 His mate , driver Sam Webster , gave him a smile of approval and said , ‘ Good lad , young John , now put your injector on , shut it off when you 've got nearly a full ‘ glass ’ , then have a few minutes .
13 In your handout , somewhere , I 'm afraid I have n't got the pages er , cos I do n't have my handout immediately to hand , er I 've got here a short-term er programme .
14 ‘ Well , my husband says I 've got rather a good voice , ’ she responded .
15 ‘ I 've got rather a big order , ’ she said , ‘ mostly for slippers but one or two pairs of shoes I have to make in French calf . ‘
16 ‘ I 've been thinking about it all the way back from your cottage and I believe I 've got just a tiny little bit of an idea . ’
17 Goodness knows I 've got only a bare chance of catching her , though . ’
18 In this day and age , 100MB is average , and people quite often discover that they 've got only a few kilobytes of space left , and usually at the most inopportune times .
19 Over the past years , we 've got together a superb programme of trips and good times to make sure you get the chance to see the very best this island has to offer .
20 We 've got about a hundred and fifty .
21 yeah , you know quite hopeful so what I as I say what I 'm really looking for is I 've got a preference for older properties but you know try not to pin myself down to too much at the moment , I 've got about a hundred and thirty to spend so ideally I 'd like a cottage old style but I do need three bedrooms
22 So I 've never smoked them , I 've got about a hundred upstairs
23 Worked out right , but not in sort of , I 've bought some but including the rest of them I 've got about a hundred pounds spending .
24 No , in this country up until Christmas I 've got about a hundred pound include , including getting Christmas presents , from now too December the twenty-sixth .
25 They add a bit of spice … and I 've got quite a nasty temper when it 's roused .
26 ‘ I 'm going to give you a course of antibiotics , Mr Lane — you 've got quite a nasty ear infection there .
27 You may see a guy wandering in and out groups and that 's a guy called Geoff who works for the British National Corpus and these are the people who are trying to have or produce ten million words of the written word and a hundred million erm spoken words , which is a corpus whereby , er come and look at the English language at some time in the future and identify and listen to some of your and your dialects and what you said so make sure you have lots of input as we 've got quite a broad spectrum of different dialects today but he 'll be wandering in and out er throughout today .
28 I think er , having said that , I mean you 've got quite a decent coverage of attitudes and situations in here already .
29 So you 've got quite a good relationship
30 on the road er They 've got quite a good selection now .
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