Example sentences of "[vb base] [coord] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pressman and Wildavsky have made a tentative attempt to draw attention to what may loosely be described as the mathematics of implementations the way in which the mere quantity of agreements necessary may , even when all parties are committed to a policy , undermine or delay effective action .
2 The Kuwait disaster raises the question of how to deal with serious environmental damage during wartime when hostilities hinder or prevent any attempt to tackle environmental disasters .
3 A second trend is that the gap in activity left by the older industries is being filled , at least partially , by new , small companies , many of which make or use electronic products .
4 ‘ We make or break human life every day of every year as probably no other force on earth has ever done in the past or will ever do again …
5 Client will provide to KPMG such information as KPMG may reasonably request from time to time in connection with the Offer and will not , without prior consultation and the written consent of KPMG ( such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ) make or publish any announcement , public statement or document concerning the Offer whether before the announcement of or during the course of the Offer ; and
6 Particularly strong articulative relationships are established when what we can call ‘ cross-connotation ’ takes place : that is , when two or more different elements are made to connote , symbolize or evoke each other .
7 The main body of the research consists of a number of in-depth case studies to see how firms develop or use new technology , taken over periods of several years .
8 It is in the whole couplet of A and B in which A is affected by its juxtaposition with B , and B by its juxtaposition with A. The whole is different from the sum of its parts because the parts influence or contaminate each other .
9 A report published in April by the New York-based Carnegie Endowment for Peace claimed that Argentina , Brazil , India , Iraq and Pakistan had been able to circumvent international regulations and build or expand nuclear weapons capabilities .
10 Volumes of almost 900m shares reflected not only the Midland placing , but also a sizeable number of program trades , where institutions inject or extract large blocks of funds across a range of stocks at a pre-arranged time and at pre-determined prices .
11 Too often we assume that others want exactly what we want or need those things we find easiest to deliver .
12 Cimetidine treated xenografts were also significant from the controls ( p= 0.048 ) but cimetidine and histamine treated xenografts were not .
13 There are major moral issues of our time ( famine , nuclear issues , conservation and pollution , freedom fighting and terrorism ) that deeply involve and concern young people .
14 5.7.1 At the Tenant 's own expense to execute all works and provide and maintain all arrangements upon or in respect of the Premises or the use to which the Premises are being put that are required in order to comply with the requirements of any statute ( already or in the future to be passed ) or any government department , local authority other public or competent authority or court of competent jurisdiction regardless of whether such requirements are imposed on the lessor the lessee or the occupier
15 She watched it slip and slide this way and that to fall at her feet .
16 We all send and receive visual signals when we talk to each other .
17 Jokes thus both acknowledge and circumvent conventional restrictions ; the breaking of conventional restraint increases the pleasure of the sexual joke .
18 We now summarise and extend these definitions .
19 Social and spatial relations both constrain and enable these interactions and understandings .
20 it must be costing them a fortune , when every time they move , they alter 'ouse , they decorate and put new carpets down and furniture
21 Study , explore and anticipate social change affecting the global environment ;
22 It uses the database to access , capture and track complete profiles about customers , the products they have installed , and how they use them .
23 But erm my closing remarks we be these sir that the the actual reality is that North Yorkshire and some of its districts want and deserve inward investment .
24 As the MIND report highlights , between 80 per cent and 85 per cent of NHS spending on mental health goes on hospital treatment , despite the overwhelming fact that the majority of people want and prefer community-based alternatives .
25 The ORIGINAL DRAWING section is similar in principle to a charting device in that it allows you total freedom to create a diagram of any shape that you want and to knit that shape using the yarn , stitch pattern and tension of your choice .
26 It probably takes many thousands of years for a characteristic black to brown desert varnish to develop , apparently through the action of bacteria which preferentially oxidize and concentrate certain elements especially manganese ) supplied from dust and surface water .
27 Here we report results on two infants in whom one cerebral hemisphere , including both striate and extra-striate visual cortex , needed surgical removal in their first year .
28 If I inadvertently forget and use 1 cc or 1 ml , they look baffled .
29 They replace and revoke earlier Regulations ( SI 1970/992 ) which provided for exemption from s 716 of the CA 1985 in relation to engineers recognised as chartered engineers by the Engineering Council 's predecessor , the Council of Engineering Institutions .
30 Peel and blanch halved parsnips in cold salted water and bring to the boil .
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