Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Also reaffirmed was a commitment to protect the environment and to the creation of a new regional ecological order , support being expressed for the Costa Rican government 's proposal calling on the UN to establish a Council of the Planet Earth during the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil in 1992 .
2 Erm , so what were doing is were , we hope were waiting for a new prisoner to be allocated to us , erm , and perhaps we could , perhaps we could , perhaps we can write and remind you think , think we should do that ?
3 We are reminded that the romance we seek is constructed for the outsider .
4 No save is allowed for a bolt thrower .
5 I am , of course , conscious that , as a convert to some important aspects of European integration , I risk being impeached for a lack of consistency ; however , I am always happy to recall the words of Ralph Emerson , who said : ’ A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds , adored by little statemen and philosophers and divines . ’
6 So I ask you to be open minded they may seem a little bit off the wall to start with , but everything that we do is done for a purpose to achieve er what we 're wanting to achieve and what I do want to achieve is by the end of tomorrow is to have given you a system .
7 I 've been looking for a pair of doctor martins ca n't find any .
8 That is erm whenever people look for an analysis of something , here I 've been looking for an analysis of individuation , there 's a tendency to consider candidate analyses one by one , singulatum .
9 ‘ Then obviously I 've been looking for the wrong qualities in my secretaries . ’
10 I 've been saving for a long time with Alma
11 They 've been living for the last ten years in an environment where they expect there to be a high level of occult activity in society .
12 ‘ As a matter of fact I 've been living for the past two years with a wonderful man .
13 Then nine tenths of the rubbish they 've been printing for the last few weeks will be seen for what it is .
14 They 've been expanding for the last four years .
15 They 've been digging for the chemicals , been tortured and crucified , again and again .
16 It was found in a garden where they 've been digging for the past six weeks .
17 This includes women who 've been trying for a test tube baby , have a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted diseases , have suffered previous ectopic pregnancy , or surgery on their tubes , and those who 've had infertility problems .
18 Dictating condolences to the mother of a murdered husband whom you 've been cuckolding for the last three years would take more than his limited social vocabulary .
19 like if you ever work in a children 's ward you can always tell the children that 've been hospitalised for a great length of time cos you can do anything with them
20 I 've been farming for the last 70 years and never seen anything like it . ’
21 I 've been pushing for a long time but erm down here ?
22 They 've been engaged for a year , and it was decided the wedding could take place during August , when there is just routine spraying and pruning to be done , well before the vendange itself , when I can not do without him . ’
23 They 've been calling for an alternative route to the A 421 since World War Two .
24 Aggie 's friend knows about him , but , as he said , they ca n't pin anything on to him ; they 've been tryin' for a long time .
25 Of course not , they 've been elected for a period , they serve to the end of that period , whether they 're made redundant or not , so they go on for the four year term .
26 ‘ Dr Williams said , ‘ You 've been spoiling for a fight , now you 've got it ’ ’ .
27 It 's one of the delightful , I 've been recruiting for a long time and it 's it 's one of those erm delightful things to be able to say to people on the phone when they tell me they 're fifty or fifty four to say that 's not a problem .
28 ‘ You 're a bloody good photographer and the work you 've been doing for the last five years proves it .
29 ‘ I want to know what you 've been doing for the past four days . ’
30 ‘ What you 've been doing for the past four months !
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