Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] [verb] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Much of his criticism of the talks process is centred on Hume , whom he regards as ‘ the antithesis of reconciliation ’ .
2 They fry were fed on baby brineshrimp and although not fast growers they seemed to do well .
3 Home Alone couple are jeered on holiday jet
4 Least time was spent on cleaning and administration and recording .
5 Since the Publications Counter is closed on Saturdays and Sundays , the question was deleted in questionnaires issued on these days .
6 ‘ I 've been living on salad , fish and fresh air to be at my lightest for this , but it was well worth it .
7 ‘ They 've been feeding on waste from the labs .
8 I 've been trained on union education courses , the same as you people have out there today , this union spends a tremin tremendous amount of money on training shop stewards to challenge such agreements .
9 I 've been reared on Christmasses and New Years that deserve the label ‘ silly season ’ , when news editors scrabble among the Christmas morning swimmers and the New Year 's Eve drink statistics to cobble up a headline , but this sudden toppling of Evil Empires and establishment of Free Democracies ( poor souls !
10 ‘ I 've been hooked on crisps for years .
11 Ex-servicemen who 've been injured on duty have been meeting their old adversaries on the sporting field .
12 know b what I 've been getting on Friday and Saturday night was an awfully big
13 This has further emphasized to ourselves with , I accept our reading of the draft of P P G thirteen , and also more work we 've been doing on land in the city , and on the potential traffic implications in particular of further growth outside the ring road .
14 They 've been working on farms , it seems . ’
15 They 've been working on Sarah 's today .
16 If the figures that we 've been given the recent figures , cos w I 've been working on figures for August up to August but now we 've got even better figures .
17 So they 've been working on modifications and this year , oh we will we 'll put the modifications right and then come back with another sales pitch
18 It looks as if we 'll be able to buy the Stiebel-Stein mail-order business , so I 've been working on ways to raise the money .
19 I 've been knocking on doors the other night there .
20 So far we 've been concentrating on Meryl 's reasons for hanging round on the gallery in the middle of the night ; all well and good , but what was Gladys doing there ? ’
21 The dossers and down-and-outs of Glasgow between 1985 and 1987 , then a different kind of hooligan , then onto a series of a little boy with a yacht and then in 1990–1 I did a huge series of faces and , in the last year , I 've been concentrating on thug images with bow necks and caps and dogs .
22 The dossers and down-and-outs of Glasgow between 1985 and 1987 , then a different kind of hooligan , then onto a series of a little boy with a yacht and then in 1990–1 I did a huge series of faces and , in the last year , I 've been concentrating on thug images with bow necks and caps and dogs .
23 But no charges have been brought and they 've been released on police bail .
24 No charges have been brought , and they 've been released on police bail .
25 The suggestions that follow are based on models that are widely used in management development and leadership training .
26 Two important road improvements in Cleveland have been completed on schedule .
27 SECRET service agents HAVE been snooping on Princess Diana and other members of the Royal Family , The People can reveal .
28 Previous estimates of the amount of methane emitted by cattle as they digest their food have been based on experiments in sealed chambers , where cattle 's behaviour is different from when they are outside .
29 Many of the criticisms of Davis and Moore 's views have been based on evidence which indicates that no stratification system operates as their theory argues .
30 She concludes that , on balance , the RMCs have done an excellent job and that the most successful ones have been based on colleges or groups of colleges which already had pockets of energy and entrepreneurial spirit and like the South West RMC were closely linked with the communities they served .
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