Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In so far as it is difficult to state educational objectives in terms of measurable outcomes — and we suggest that in the case of the stated objectives of the ESSE/L Project this is particularly true — a positivist approach to appraising the project according to some simple notion of " value for money " was simply impossible .
2 The findings suggest that in the management of pregnant women phenylalanine control needs to be , if anything , even stricter than in children with phenylketonuria .
3 Crompton and Jones suggest that in the future it will not necessarily be the case that male clerks will be able to enjoy so much upward mobility .
4 But I would place a somewhat different emphasis , and suggest that in the Chewong case fear is a positive emotion and encouraged in children because to be fearful is to be human , while the arousal of other inner states is negatively valued and discouraged — as manifest in the various rules that forbid them ( see Howell 1981 ) .
5 Our results , on the other hand , suggest that in the context of our oligonucleotide the GC step has in fact a high positive roll angle value .
6 Both suggest that in the area of sexual morality the change has been towards less restraint , less control and more choice .
7 And in m in many cases the most cost-effective procedure will be for the lad on site , the R E or the assistant R E to measure , and provide the measure to the Q Ss who will put that forward and process that in the way they do now and send out a certificate .
8 In 1983 the Soviet media cited a New York Times report that in the absence of an agreement with the United States on the bases Greek officials were prepared simply to liquidate them and were ‘ seriously considering taking up a position of neutrality similar , for example , to that adhered to by Sweden ’ .
9 At this point you say that in the night they all wanted to have a party so they got up .
10 Nobody will blame me if I say that in the circumstances I became very uneasy .
11 How can the Labour party say that in the year when we opened up the whole of industry to competition , in the year when we tightened the price control and made it clear that the customer is high on our list of priorities ?
12 But patients say that in the course of treatment , they are never permitted to express tearfulness or despair .
13 I think that the hon. Gentleman will know what I mean when I say that in the context of coming towards the end of a particular available time , whether it is the time for talks or the time for a general election , there is reluctance among certain parties — and I make this remark generally — to turn their cards face upwards if there is any danger that other people will not have turned their cards face upwards by the time the whistle blows .
14 But his family say that in the weeks before his death , Richard had appeared worried .
15 In the new Act children are then to have a say in what they want and in the plans made for them .
16 grant him every advantage which we can conceive a white to possess over the native ; concede that in the struggle for existence his chance of a long life will be much superior to that of the native chiefs ; yet from all these admissions , there does not follow the conclusion that , after a limited or unlimited number of generations , the inhabitants of the island will be white .
17 I judge that in the time it takes the lift to creep the height of the building I have to be out the door and on my way .
18 Now they no longer remain except in the memories of people native to this village .
19 The NRA will actually disappear in 1994 when it will be merged with other watchdogs to form an environmental protection agency but environmentalists fear that in the meantime poor standards of monitoring and inactivity will prevail .
20 I trust that in the light of this letter you will now be able to lend your support to the proposals being put to the Finance Committee on 9 December 1992 .
21 The model of the Bibliothèque de France still involves a building at which material is accessible , but the developments of networks mean that in the future this will no longer be necessary .
22 Figures released this week show that in the year to April 1 , people here were prosecuted for attempting to dupe the Social Security Agency — a seven per cent increase over the previous year .
23 ( Waddington et al. , 1990 , show that in the Nottinghamshire community which they surveyed the immigrant and the ‘ local ’ miners were spatially segregated within the housing stock and that most of the miners who joined the strike were among the recent immigrants whose home lives were somewhat separate from those of the rest of the community . )
24 Frequent Bolovian references ( drawings , some rhymes , and much Bolovian dogma ) show that in the period 1927–30 Eliot found this a valuable way of letting off some of the emotional steam generated by his conversion ; serious discussions of theology are juxtaposed in this correspondence with ridiculous accounts of Bolovian religious practice , one letter dated according to the day of St Cecilia , another according to that of St Gumbolumbo .
25 FAO statistics show that in the period from 1971–80 , Latin America had the highest growth rate ( 3.9 per cent ) in food production of the various world regions ( Figueroa 1985 ) .
26 At York , admissions to the freedom of the city show that in the period 1301–1550 less than one-seventh of those admitted were drawn from citizen stock , while at Romney in Kent between 1433 and 1523 , a quarter of the freemen came from outside the county , and only a third from within a 5-mile radius of the town ( 70 ) .
27 Other studies show that in the Gulf 's warm water temperatures the oil has dispersed very quickly , and shifting sands have covered up oil on the beaches .
28 The latest available figures — they are not Government figures because they will not publish theirs — show that in the south-east Government spending per head was £1,876 but it was only £1 , 707 in the north — 10 per cent .
29 In the North-East region , figures show that in the York area there had been 2,311 complaints , 33 rescues , 49 convictions , and 743 inspections ; in the Middlesbrough area , 1,364 complaints , 38 rescues , 563 inspections and 46 convictions ; and Newcastle 2,565 complaints , 40 rescues , 232 inspections and 78 convictions .
30 I hope that in the time of the consultation they actually begin to take on board the fact that we 're talking about human beings .
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