Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [verb] it [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What do you think as I fear that putting it right may be a costly job ?
2 If you holler and scream it all gets used up .
3 ‘ I suppose that makes it worse . ’
4 Try and get it right .
5 no that 's alright we try and keep it confidential so they work evenings they 'll contact you , is there
6 In the presentation you get people up front and they talk at ya do n't they for a few minutes , try and keep it interesting etcetera etcetera .
7 My doctor has no advice except ‘ try and take it easy ’ .
8 Above all try and make it clear that you are enthusiastic about the future project .
9 The rich peasant I 'm gon na save some money right , I 'm got ta finance industry so we mechanize so you collectivize and take it all of me .
10 In a Post Office you have to , you see , unless I 'm misunderstanding it really , you have to well I might as well , if I go and get it all out from the bank .
11 And they go and spoil it all by cutting it in chunks .
12 No , go and taste it first .
13 I think that made it worse , my dad said you ca n't mix , in this world , you should have white , Indian and black .
14 Free Lecture/Dem and Come & Try It Open Class — EVERYONE WELCOME .
15 So you want it arranged in some form that makes it easy to retrieve ( find ) the specific item you are looking for at any given moment .
16 Their manager , Alex MacDonald , an old Ranger himself , is clear about what his side can and can not do : ‘ We work hard and harass and make it difficult for the opposition . ’
17 Come and get it sweety , give it to me then .
18 Mrs Thatcher had rebuffed suggestions that he resign and made it clear that he enjoyed her full confidence .
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