Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Opponents of the hunt say that killing seals for non-essential products can not be justified economically or ecologically .
2 We freeze and drown worms for a few more minutes .
3 I , we 're not , I do n't know whether you 've got , we could say we were activists , we do n't , I do n't even know who goes on a march or anything , but we do do our best for anything we support and get signatures for anything they ask us to .
4 A clerk may : ( i ) transfer proceedings to another court ; ( ii ) appoint a guardian ad litem or a solicitor for a child ; ( iii ) give , vary or revoke directions for the conduct of proceedings under FPCR , r14 ; ( iv ) make repeat interim care , supervision or s8 orders which are unopposed and on the same terms as previous orders ; ( v ) issue a witness summons under s97 of the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 ; ( vi ) request a welfare report .
5 Then when we fuss and do things for them which they can quite capably do for themselves , we do nothing but contribute to their fear .
6 Organise and establish controls for effective compliance with health and safety policies and work closely with official authorities responsible for health and safety .
7 Roll and tilt angles for the bases in the central region are low , remaining within 3° and 4° of zero , respectively .
8 As professional consultants we also advise and take instructions for design , supervision and structural surveys .
9 Home demand and supply curves for the good are represented by Dh and Sh , and PuSu and PwSw are the partner country and rest of the world supply curves .
10 May I suggest that we try and secure bookings for you and for myself to travel on or about August 15th ?
11 Some people think that having reasons for faith is an insult to God , as if we were desperately grubbing around for make-shift reasons to believe in him .
12 How we admire and give thanks for Peggy 's intrepid spirit and abounding enthusiasm .
13 It urged that LEAs increase and improve facilities for children 's play and recreation outside school hours , and that the government give financial support to voluntary bodies serving the out-of-school interests of school children .
14 More ordinarily , they form the stuff of everyday relationships as we blame or criticize others for doing or saying the things we feel inside ourselves .
15 If it does exist the gene may help resolve some of the questions about how antibiotics work and give clues for new antibiotics .
16 Put more succinctly , this book is an attempt to make child care research ‘ user friendly ’ to those who work with children and young people , and those who plan and resource services for them .
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