Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] seen [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That free kick is the best Ive ever seen by ANY player .
2 Grandma was really slagging her off were n't she Maureen Lipman , oh god , yeah , oh I do n't like her , she has too many programmes , I 've only seen about one
3 And my enormous thanks go to my own Table , Chester seventy six , very very true friends indeed and the same for the whole of my own area , Area thirty six Wirral and the Marches , where nothing has been too much trouble and they are here today as you 've just seen in some considerable strength .
4 ‘ I 've already seen to that , ’ said Jill .
5 One very extensive class is er is a calcium activated potassium channel , where calcium 's now activating from the inside as we 've already seen in that example I showed you early on .
6 ‘ I 'll sing you a song , mates , ’ yelled back Bobby hoarsely , ‘ I 'll sing it from the roof-tops when we see an end not only of this strike but of every useless , time-wasting ; pointless strike we 've ever seen in this country in the last half-dozen years .
7 We learned a copperplate at my convent , with elaborate curlicues of capitals I have not seen in any other calligraphy .
8 And out of the dark woods came the black man , leading his horse on one arm , and on the other a tall grey hound with the saddest face I have ever seen on any creature .
9 The most striking example I have ever seen of this was in Morocco , in North Africa .
10 Earlier , that same hole , Sam Torrance had hit the longest drive I think I have ever seen in competitive golf .
11 HP Special paper brings out a richness to colours I have n't seen with any other paper .
12 What we are saying there are other emergencies and I get down to the word loneliness now is there any reason why senior citizens should n't have the facility whereby they can make telephone calls if those , they so desire , to members of the family who in many instances they have n't seen for long periods of time ?
13 ‘ I tell you this , Mr Millet , two or three years ago I would n't have had the time to sit down and chatter about a chap I have n't seen for more than a year .
14 There 's only Mary and the sisters you have n't seen for ten years , if you can count them .
15 One especially neat feature — which I have n't seen in other laser printers — is a range of macros adding tinted underlays , lines and borders to your dreary documents .
16 A look of enlightenment , the like of which we have n't seen in this entire book , appeared on his face .
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