Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] get the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Telecine now gets the direction to run the first piece of 16mm film — the familiar opening graphics sequence together with the sound-on-film theme music .
2 At the last minute , enough congressmen rally round to get the package through the House of Representatives : not because they believe in it , but because Mr Clinton has made them an offer they can not refuse , or worse , because they pity him .
3 Yeah I mean just getting the keynote speech from each one would be nice would n't it .
4 Rourke only got the part because the film 's director , Walter Hill , insisted on using him .
5 So you will eventually get the opportunity to take as Mike has maybe already told you , get eventually get the opportunity to take the audio tour yourself , so you can see where things are .
6 They 'd already split their team to cover both the gym and some other place , and then split it again to follow you , so Blagg only got the leftovers , spotted them , and took to the hills . ’
7 Oh yes , now , I get even get the woman to come up and
8 They know how to get the children motivated and loosen them up .
9 Ring up to get the addresses .
10 A game is basically a manoeuvre that people indulge in to get the strokes they need and/or to be in a position to discount others .
11 Then you go downstairs to get the gas bottle out of the old stove in the kitchen .
12 In California there was no competition , in Maryland there was no competition , every place that G Tec operates , they go in , they hire the highest price talent , they hire the most politically connected talent and they end up getting the contract .
13 If your are n't , ask how to get the club into the correct position at the start of the backswing .
14 If we do not get the grant , events will have to be cut . ’
15 Furthermore , the overall reduction in residential capacity sometimes means that the most troubled youngsters do not get the help they require .
16 Nearly all the foregoing are in some measure examples of transgressions against the laws of the country , and subject to punishment , but are rife mainly because the forces of law and order are stretched beyond capacity , and do not get the help they should from that all-important first line of defence against evil , the constraints of the individual conscience .
17 One is that younger children ask as many questions as older children but do not get the degree of cooperative response from their partners .
18 Their farms are generally too large to get the benefits of the MacSharry proposals , but they do not get the benefit of the less-favoured area payments .
19 In their ambivalence , their way of asking often ensures that they do not get the closeness they say they want .
20 If I do not get the chance later in my response to answer the comments of the hon. Member for Caernarfon ( Mr. Wigley ) on students with special needs in further education , I say now that I attach great importance to those students .
21 If I get the result I wanted there is consolidation rather than extension of my committee skills , but if I do not get the result I wanted then I have learned something and I form a new hypothesis about my next interjection strengthened by this new learning .
22 During the visit I do not get the impression that I 'm keeping any of them from their work .
23 And it is important that children do not get the impression that they are .
24 Robins is on until midnight with me , but Sister 's off at ten , and if I do n't get the Plaster Room straight before she does her final round she 'll kill me .
25 We get our , we 're very lucky because as I travel ov in the country , there 's lot 's of Co-ops as the Guilds do n't get the grant or they do n't get room rent .
26 Praise you up when you go around kicking things , walking about with your eyes shut you 've got to join the Fire Service and you walk , you canna walk about with your eyes shut , you ca n't , people that have been injured in the head they 're going to be screaming about it are n't they your eyes are wonderful things Matt , they give you all round vision , you can see from , from the side of your eye if you look it 's like everything else if you do n't use it properly , you do n't get the benefit from it
27 The problem with these street preachers is that you do n't get the choice not to hear them . ’
28 And he especially wants to encourage female football players to join : ‘ We do n't get the response we should from the girls it would be nice to see more at the schools . ’
29 You see , these steps here tend to look as if it 's a pile of beams or something with a door standing on top , but you quite clearly see those steps , but you do n't get the depth of the steps so everything is a bit flat .
30 So it might well be that we do n't get the S I S people that we previously thought we might do .
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