Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Cut down the grooming time but do it quickly , efficiently and calmly .
2 ‘ I 've often watched you in the past and wondered how you know exactly the right time to enter the bidding , the right time to leave , ’ Moran praised .
3 You know like the last time
4 Set aside a little time to make this cake , as it is quite time-consuming .
5 I remember clearly the first time he played our first single .
6 The CEGB would perhaps be more fully convincing in its argument on fuel diversity if it could show that it had more real commitment to the development and use over a long time scale of renewable-energy technologies .
7 The bare statistical truth of solvent abuse is that one in four of the children who die from the habit do so the first time they ever sniff glue or lighter fluid .
8 I think just a few times
9 You take rather a long time sometimes to find something that fits in but you do in the end . ’
10 Yeah , the first thing I 've ever the first time I 've shaved my legs , I forgot the water .
11 Mike come up a few times .
12 That 's why I thought , when I come back the next time and you 're upset I said oh no way do I want to upset a woman like that .
13 The second time through you miss out the first time bar ( 8 ) and take the second time bar ( 9 ) and continue on with bars 10 , 11 etc .
14 You will be disqualified if you step out a fourth time .
15 We to put the decorations up in th in a s in a short time limit , the decorations take quite a long time to put up and as you know the decorations are erm are very famous er they 're nationally recognized .
16 ( Part of the reason for this , other than the high initial cost of the hardware , is that film recorders take quite an appreciable time to image the slide whereas a rostrum camera works as fast as the operator can change the artwork . )
17 I 've actually the last time I got some delivered for me was February so I tend to sort of get something about once a month I think .
18 We have perhaps a little time .
19 If the ERM continues to impose on this country an unemployment rate 750,000 above what it would otherwise be — and that is the average for Europe — we have only a short time before the racist and neo-fascist plague descends on us also — which is why launching the Anti-Racist Alliance was so urgent .
20 I am now in Capt. Friend 's office and have only a short time to write before the post leaves .
21 Panic will not be too far away if having collected all your information you have only a little time to write the speech .
22 I shall not give way to my hon. Friend , as I believe that I have done so once already and I have only a little time left .
23 But you also have only a little time .
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