Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [verb] for [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But , when Nigel comes next year he 'll bring Eileen and I think that under circumstances I think if we say well come for about quarter to two .
2 Mick Jagger and Gary Lineker are two other role models who hold little appeal for sexually inactive men .
3 I go and wait about for a min , half a sec , ha , you know just wait for about ten seconds I 've forgotten what I 'm supposed to say wha , can you remind you ?
4 It 's nice , I suppose please come for please I do n't like that .
5 Well they go on flowering for quite , you you 've got
6 Some of those waves at the bottom of the world — I mean you can tell by the look of them they have come from the beginnings of time and will roll right over you and go on rolling for ever .
7 But she 's noticed among her friends that women carry on trying for much longer .
8 I carry on walking for quite a bit .
9 The hon. Member for Stirling ( Mr. Forsyth ) — I am not complaining about him , so I do not apologise for not having given him notice that I should raise the point — uses the crest of the House of Commons on his parliamentary report .
10 Learning ‘ parrot fashion ’ is adequate in the very short-term but the effects do not last for long .
11 However , Waddington noted that " the SAP [ South African Police ] is an unaccountable police force " and that the " difficulties encountered " by his inquiry team " suggested [ that ] systems do not exist for either internal or external accountability " .
12 If erm , for example , I were to produce a beam of pye mesons , which I can do by taking very high energy protons and making them collide with ordinary hydrogen , then the pyon will come out and it will not live for very long , and I think the lifetime of a pyon is something of the order of ten to the minus eight of a second , which means that pyons only live for about one hundred millionth of a second , and these things then decay into othe particles and these other particles are called muons and they decay into not only do they produce muons , but they produce things called neutrinos and the muons themselves do not live for very long — a muon lives for about two microseconds , which is two millionths of a second — and it decays also into an electron and another neutral particle called a neutrionor , and these neutrinors just are there , they exist very but they are the end products of these decay processes .
13 Unfortunately fish , like us all , do not live for ever , and some have shorter live spans than others .
14 From SIDT 's standpoint , official indicators do not count for much .
15 He usually brings food and stuff , but he do n't stay for long .
16 Miracles do n't last for long , do they ?
17 It do n't last for long .
18 Hard disks last a long time but they do n't last for ever .
19 After all , hinges do n't last for ever and it 's not as if they were trying to cram a bulky parcel through a small space , just a slim package .
20 What for but do n't get for tomorrow .
21 [ In talking about continued home care ] I can stand the strain at the moment , but I do n't know for how long I can go on .
22 No one ever goes on eating anything they do n't like for long .
23 However , in-flight service and experience do n't count for much if the plane is n't going where you want to be .
24 Do n't ask for too much , Andrew .
25 You do n't ask for much , do you , mate ? ’
26 ‘ But I do n't ask for very much . ’
27 I was gon na ask a favour , if you do n't mind for tonight .
28 I do n't mind for about two three days
29 Either that or you will have decided to build that extension you 've both wanted for so long to put that rattan furniture in , and when it 's finished discover that the blessed stuff does n't fit at all .
30 We have all endured for far too long , the blatherings of scientific greybeards regarding ‘ The Expanding Universe ’ .
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