Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] all " in BNC.

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1 I want personally to thank you all for coming .
2 now I mean now got 'em all but if , take your pick and er
3 And you 're so anxious to justify yourself , that you answer the question , and then you go on to tell me all the background behind it , and in so doing you give me a lovely piece of information which I did n't actually have when you walked into the room .
4 It 's ‘ Thou hast already and , this being the case , thou mightest as well go on doing it , since if thou doth n't , it might be bad for thine psyche , and anyway if we told thee not to , thou wouldst accuse us of being prejudiced and go on doing it all the same . ’
5 We both like driving it so much that we end up using it all the time , ’ says the Stirlingshire chiropodist .
6 Yet if he has watched Eastern Europe closely he will have seen that , however the transition begins , be it by round table , coalition government or free election , once Communists give up part of their power they quickly end up losing it all .
7 Thus criminal laws against murder , rape , robbery , and assault do protect us all , but they do not protect us all equally .
8 ‘ I do not offer you all the churches , ’ Thorfinn said .
9 It must be remembered , too , that plants which contain medicinally active substances often do not contain them all the time in all their parts .
10 Please do not judge us all by these ignorant officials .
11 Do n't give me all that crap .
12 Do n't give me all that about the ban from Europe , it is because of the way the game has gone in England that we are not the force we were in European competition .
13 But do n't leave them all out .
14 Do n't do them all , ’ he said .
15 We can incrementally manage our way towards open systems component by component , ’ is his message to users , ‘ but do n't do it all at once — and remember it does n't necessarily mean Unix . ’
16 Provided that , ’ she added as though drafting a contract , ‘ you do n't do it all the time . ’
17 Oh Oh , yeah , do n't , do n't do it all in your head .
18 and the thread bit on I do n't do it all the time look you 've got half a sense mind half a strong common sense
19 Do n't tell me all these lies , ’ she laughed .
20 Do n't tell us all you know on the topic — that 's boring !
21 In any case you do n't want them all the same do you ?
22 We do n't want them all we really want all the bad things at the bottom do n't we ?
23 I do n't want them all up there
24 If you do n't want it all do n't eat it .
25 It 's a shame though to let them die because th they 're I like to have a , a different I do n't want it all the same .
26 you do n't want it all , that your trouble ?
27 well then if I go onto a medium , then you 're getting all this length and all this business here , all that business and it 's too much , if I could of found a four I 'd certainly tried it on for swimming you know , but I do n't want it all baggy and horrible you know
28 We do n't make it all a mess .
29 Do n't eat it all !
30 Sometimes I get a lettuce but lettuce do n't eat it all .
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