Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [vb infin] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Egyptians , while insisting that they do not speak for the Palestinians , appear ready to fudge the principle of PLO selection of the Palestinian delegation to ensure Israeli participation .
2 The Egyptians , while insisting that they do not speak for the Palestinians , appear ready to fudge the principle of PLO selection of the Palestinian delegation to ensure Israeli participation .
3 I think it is very important for those outside America to understand that , like myself , the media and people of Los Angeles do not speak for the rest of the country .
4 I do not speak for the Philippine health movement , rather these are my attempts to understand how both small-scale local initiatives and a national effort can alter the historical process which to date has left the majority of the 60 million Filipino people living in dire poverty in a land of plenty .
5 Do not start for a strange city or town , even for a night , without previous information of a safe place to stay .
6 ( 1 ) Do not study for an extended period on one subject .
7 This general tendency in soil conservation evaluation derives from similar problems identified by critics of the existing approaches to agricultural research , namely the lack of a continuous outreach to and from research stations and farmers , and the conducting of programmes under conditions that do not exist for the farmer/pastoralist who is supposed to adopt them ( Biggs 1981 ) .
8 The heavy makeup melting even in the air-conditioning , the legless beggar who sleeps under the office porch and cleans their shoes in gratitude , the slums you can not observe because no roads go through the swamps and whose inhabitants do not exist for the State because the census officials can not reach them , the bomb-carriers serving as flower-pots , the boys selling themselves to the rich English ex-public schoolboys , the girls selling themselves to the fat German tourists , the police raping the boys and the girls they are protecting in the police-stations , the Committee officers boasting to Kate about the elegant jerk-offs in the massage parlours , their ever-decorative ever-bored wives boasting to Kate about their jewellery , the Thai girls saving up for eye and breast jobs , the luxury hotels where the high-class white whores hang out , the students shot by the military during a demonstration against the army regime , the girl students daring for the first time to stay out at night on the streets to picket , the crushing of strikes with bullets and beatings , the barring of political books in the Committee library , the anti-Communist adverts punctuating the Western films on TV .
9 ‘ I do not go for the peaked caps , epaulettes and dummy holsters , ’ he said .
10 I do not think for a moment that the Letter of Aristeas should be taken as a Festal Scroll , something like the Book of Esther , to be read in the Alexandrian synagogues every year on the day on which ( as we know from Philo ) the Alexandrian Jews commemorated the translation ( De vita Mosis 2.41 ) .
11 And I think of Matthew nineteen verse twelve : And there are those who do not marry for the sake of the kingdom of heaven , Communism .
12 they do not cater for the specialist viewpoints of any given application , since alternative approaches are not normally provided ;
13 I do not suggest for a moment that I have described every interesting object within binocular range , but I think that there is enough variety here to satisfy most people .
14 Many secretaries of state are not particular admirers of their junior ministers and do not care for the department to be represented by them at OD .
15 ‘ I 'm afraid I do not care for the theatre . ’
16 ‘ I do not imagine for a minute that someone of your ability will have come here without prying into my background .
17 Organizations do not search for the best mushroom on the prairie if they have an hour in which to find it ; they choose the first mushroom which satisfies their aspiration level .
18 If you do not weigh for a year and you eat just an extra 500 calories each day during that time , you will have put on a full 45 lb ( 21.8 kg ) ; rather a nasty shock !
19 There are very particular financial strains for those who are divorced or separated who do not qualify for a special pension like a widow .
20 Married women and widows who do not qualify for a basic pension in their own right may be entitled to a basic pension on their husband 's contributions at about 60 per cent of the level to which he is entitled ( see ‘ Pensions for women ’ at the end of the chapter ) .
21 One , the non-contributory invalidity pension , is paid for those who are incapable of work and do not qualify for a contributory pension .
22 These 10 places will in the main come from the middle 549 clubs who by their status do not qualify for the Cup .
23 No stamp duty should be payable because of these reliefs but the Regulations do not provide for a hybrid certificate .
24 I do not believe for a moment that , with unemployment heading towards three million , the benefits would be significantly dissipated by higher inflation , any more than were the benefits of depreciation in the early 1980s .
25 I do not believe for a moment that in the future we shall allow millions of our fellow-countrymen , through no fault of their own , to pass through life ill-housed , ill-clothed , ill-fed , ill-educated .
26 We make these plans on an natural level , and yet , we do not plan for the most important event of all time , when we will stand before God and he will ask that question , what have you done with Jesus that is called the Christ ?
27 Hash coding methods ( section 3.2.6 ) were also not implemented as they do not allow for the study of sub-word letter sequences .
28 Secondly , explanations of strategy that appeal only to external constraints do not allow for the possibility that a class may have a range of interests , not all of which can be satisfied by any single policy .
29 The trouble with this and other moralistic creeds is that they do not allow for the righteous manifestly not enjoying the fruits of their exemplary conduct .
30 For simplicity we focus on the male line ; i.e. , we do not allow for the fact that , as the model stands , women have neither wealth nor income .
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