Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [vb infin] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Do not stand up for a few moments .
2 In order to maintain the authority of the teacher or librarian and to make pupils aware that microcomputers do not exist merely for playing games but have a wider range of educational applications , it is important for the librarian or teacher to have basic knowledge of microcomputers .
3 I shall not pursue the point here , but it can be developed into one of the explanations for why particular arms races stabilize and do not go on for ever — do not lead to predators pursuing their prey at Mach 2 and so on .
4 ‘ We are not a national daily ; we do not go in for moral crusades . ’
5 The French do not go in for diphthongs but have at least one vowel sound that almost defeats the Anglo-Saxon .
6 ‘ Give me your number and do not go out for the next half-hour . ’
7 Two upper floors together accommodate nearly 2,200 men , each having his numbered place with table , while adjacent staff premises contain steam ovens , tea and coffee brewing and usual appliances for meeting the needs of those workmen who do not go home for meals during the day .
9 The reports of international commissions such as that of Brandt do not make up for this gap .
10 Now it is twelve o'clock and school is out and all those who do not stay behind for dinner are bounding down Trafalgar Street , the little ones paddling up to the Wellington-tops in the drifts left on either side by the snow plough .
11 The purpose of having a timetable is so that all relevant information can be digested and acted upon , and so that bids do not carry on for an unreasonable length of time .
12 But children of their age do not search deeply for reasons .
13 If we do not turn up for work , we are likely to get the sack , but in our private worlds we can dream our lives away at home , church or play .
14 The UCW believes the rounds of postmen who do not turn up for work will not be covered by overtime .
15 You must follow closely mortals ; watch the light that falls from our spears , and do not turn aside for a moment .
16 But do not look here for specific advice .
17 • If you wake during the night ( sometimes because you need to empty your bladder ) then return to bed and relax as soon as possible , Do not get up for a cup of tea or snack as this will give misleading information to your body clock .
18 It affects us all and its practitioners do not come up for re-election every five years .
19 Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth , where it grows rusty and moth-eaten , and thieves break in to steal it .
20 I do not train specifically for the indoor season , but continue to carry out my normal programme of track endurance running , tyre-pulling and weight-training .
21 Of course , people do not work simply for economic rewards , and there may be other social and psychological losses on retirement ( though equally there may be gains ) .
22 First , individuals do not work only for pecuniary rewards .
23 However , material circumstances on their own do not account fully for changes in co-residence .
24 While these results do not argue strongly for the maternal depletion theory , the findings give it moderate support , attesting to a probable differential in fetal viability with the elapse of varying periods between pregnancies or births .
25 Our main 1979 survey suggested that weekly-collection credit users do not shop around for bargains as much as others .
26 That 's why it is so important that we do n't give up for an instant .
27 There must have been one , a moment , in childhood when it first occurred to you that you do n't go on for ever .
28 " People do n't go on for ever — not even in banks !
29 I do n't go in for numbers as names .
30 Though he kept a folder packed with suggestions for new volumes , he was keen to emphasise their serious didactic nature : ‘ We do n't go in for quick quack books . ’
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