Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [pers pn] just [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Li like a Ballard Test where you just put the little ring round the A B or C or D.
2 say why I just have n't got any .
3 Yeah , cater , mater , that sounds A R T , no there 's only one R , count well I just hope he brings one thing home
4 mm , hang on I just want to read this oh my gosh
5 Oh not too bad these indexes , if you multiply then you just add them , if you 're dividing
6 If you just rearrange that in terms of Y T we get so we just add Y T minus one to both sides and so we get Y T into alpha into one minus plus beta X T plus lander Y T minus one right , that 's it .
7 ‘ I read so much at work that when I get home I just want to watch Jeremy Beadle ! ’
8 When I wake up I just pull it back or put it on top of my head in a top knot .
9 ‘ Some mornings when I wake up I just want to give it all up .
10 No I always think I mean it it just annoys me though I think I get well I just get I just think it 's a waste of the day .
11 I mean when you get there they just get the , the dashboard out and the bloke on the bench he puts everything on the bench
12 You know when you just do , er I 'm , I am absolutely knackered and I do n't know just not in a very good mood .
13 Get a note or go home I just do n't do it .
14 Across the perfect sky hung , inexplicably , the words ‘ Do n't You Just Wish ? ’
15 It , do it now while you 're young , while you 've got your strength , because there will come days when you look around and you think well I just wish I could do that again , and that 's the way we 're made , and that 's the way it will always be in this system of things , but there 's lots of little things that we , you and I , can work on to help us to stay spiritually alert , vigilant and awake .
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