Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [art] next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such knowledge will be the basis of the advice we give in the next chapter for promoting adjustment after a time-zone transition .
2 And though the visit could have given him an opportunity to kill his father , and then drive down the next day to discover the body , that was the one crime which every logical motive screamed against .
3 But I mean a mother that could n't sleep all night , and get up the next day , having to cope with the family , erm you know , thing things like that , they 're very difficult .
4 At the end , you were totally blind and deaf to it , you 'd go to sleep and wake up the next morning and the mix was still going on !
5 It is truly said that he can go to bed at night with a clear sky as far as Home Affairs are concerned and wake up the next morning with a major crisis on his hands .
6 That is , housewives produce or reproduce both the next generation of labourers and the current one .
7 It was with the idea of learning to judge distances that I set out the next morning .
8 In the end we decided to go to bed , and then set out the next morning just in time to catch the ship to Hamburg .
9 Most of us in the western world are fortunate in that we know where the next meal is coming from .
10 At the top of the shaft , push the crate right onto the switch , go right and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , push the next crate right onto the button , then go along the next conveyor belt .
11 I 'd go down to the bottom and try all the locks , come up , go along the next street .
12 Colleagues who one year lecture you at the Star Chamber on how you have more than enough money turn up the next asking for extra themselves .
13 But Boxing Day , you go out the next day , so , ordinary exercise .
14 If , if you buy a p a new pair of shoes and realize they 're faulty and you go back the next day and say I bought these shoes from you yesterday , I 've still got my receipt , I believe the shoes are faulty , can I have my money back ?
15 But the other lot come down the next night , and the night after that , and the night after that , all week they come down , about 40 , 50 of them , from all over …
16 Consider the boys ' version of the ‘ numbers game ’ at the beginning of ‘ Fighting talk ’ : ‘ and the other lot come down the next night , and the night after that and the night after that , all week , about 40 , 50 , from all over … ’
17 Whether nationalization improves the efficiency of resource allocation , or whether we would do better to privatize existing public corporations , is an issue we take up the next chapter .
18 I guess he must have seen him go in sometime late , and come out the next morning . ’
19 Things would deteriorate rather quickly , for Alberto would return to his hotel in the evening with a sculpture eight to twelve inches tall under his arm and come back the next day with a piece no more than three or four inches high …
20 That 's why I thought , when I come back the next time and you 're upset I said oh no way do I want to upset a woman like that .
21 We get people on the programme singing and dancing so badly it 's painful , but they come back the next week and tell us that everyone 's stopping them in the streets to congratulate them , not slag them off . ’
22 I pull round the next document on the Treasury tag .
23 But I plan over the next year to completely renew my rig ; there are just too many hip new things .
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