Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 track down the histories and fate of the 903 Norseman aircraft built , in order to compile a complete history of the type and its service .
2 We can turn our backs on the divisions of the past , and tear down the barriers that divide us .
3 Cumberland now sent orders to the Lords Lieutenant of Lancashire , Westmorland and Cumberland to break up the roads , tear down the bridges and block possible escape routes by felling trees but by the time he reached Preston , on 13 December 1745 , when he was joined by the cavalry sent by General Wade from Newcastle , Prince Charles 's troops had reached Lancaster , 20 miles [ 32 km ] further north , though General Oglethorpe 's detachment was a mere three miles [ 5 km ] behind and almost in contact with the enemy rearguard .
4 Bring in the dumb-bells and we need the decibels , start to pump up the jam on the dance floor and we are into pumping up the volumes .
5 The European Commission 's COMETT programme is aimed at high-level technology training , and its projects bring together the providers and users of training .
6 The office copy entries replace entirely the deeds and documents of title described above .
7 When stories appear along the lines that in another life you were a peasant girl who starved to death during Ireland 's potato famine you know you 've arrived .
8 Peel away the ridges but if it 's young , leave on some green ; if older , peel the skin .
9 The Egyptians gather in a line , thinking more of the cats than of putting out the flames , but the cats dart through or leap over the men and spring into the fire .
10 Linger over the pictures and melt
11 Dragon boats with giant flags on 18 foot poles race off the shores and parades line the streets during this colourful month-long celebration .
12 Peel off the skins and thickly slice the potatoes .
13 British Transport Police say both the saboteurs and the huntsmen could face prosecution for trespass .
14 So always start with the minimum amount and gradually build up the tones until you reach the strength that emphasises , rather than overpowers .
15 First build up the piers and end courses , then the rest of the wall can follow
16 A quiet little fishing village on the northern-most tip of the island , where you can sample the day' catch in traditional-style restaurants or browse around the shops and bars .
17 In that instance , press around the sides as you do , rather than on top .
18 and then gradually they would give you a wee bit say maybe the legs or something to do a er polish you know show you how to start you know , how to rubber and how to fold your the cotton wool .
19 Even the two towers , which peer over the roofs that block their view , are camouflaged by scaffolding .
20 Fear not the dogs that bark ; night will have all hid .
21 Pick over the leaves and flowers for insects .
22 He then put down the instruments and held up powerful hands .
23 They 've come and put down the fairways and greens without regard for existing rights of way .
24 I put down the shafts and waved with my straw hat .
25 Outside there was snow and slush along the streets and sidewalks .
26 You walk down the halls and see posters :
27 The risks would be less if Congress were to act quickly on reform proposals provided by the administration , which could attract new capital into banking from outside , and break down the barriers that have hampered the growth of strong banks .
28 The chemicals break down the faeces and obviously kill any bacteria present .
29 But the committee chairman , the Labour MP , Gerald Kaufman , said : ‘ Either changes are made , I hope along the lines that we recommend , or I very much fear statutory regulation to which I am very , very much opposed . ’
30 Mix together the breadcrumbs and cheese and sprinkle over the top .
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