Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] for what [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She had never been afraid to look straightly at whatever fortune sent her , to map its every feature , and acknowledge it for what it was .
2 And if you are wise you will never pity the past for what it did not know , but pity yourself for what it did .
3 Surely it is time we stopped talking of elephants as if they were a commodity to be traded , like so many cans of paint , and accept them for what they are , ancient and splendid fellow inhabitants of the earth who share with us the joys of close kinship bonds and grieve when they are severed .
4 They might fear you , hate you , and try to exorcise you back into the fifth dimension , but they accept you for what you are .
5 And they accept us for what we are and we 've got a good erm relationship with the the people w who are left in er the flat complex .
6 they just accept us for what we are , they know that we 're not gon na upset their lifestyle , we 're not gon na start raiding their place at six in the morning .
7 They accept us for what we are , and that 's it .
8 He added : ‘ Now we know them for what they are — the party of devaluation . ’
9 What a good thing I know you for what you are .
10 Occupied by its clichés , its principles , and its strategies , the sick mind of the central colourless figure unwittingly deploys subversive discursive counter-strategies that turn these ‘ conventional weapons ’ back on themselves and expose them for what they are .
11 Well as that , from my experience , they only pay ya for what your worth , not what , do n't pay ya because your good looking or anything like that
12 Listen well when he tells us what happened out there to him and respect him for what he has done , and honour him , for at least he has given each of us hope and proof that escape is possible . ’
13 I respect him for what he has done in Santa Barbara .
14 Use it for what it should be used for .
15 The mercenary ones simply put up with them and pretend that they love them for what they can get out of them .
16 I 've got to be made to realize that I only love him for what I can get out of it .
17 Thank you for what you may be able to do .
18 " Thank you for what you did . "
19 ‘ Athelstan , ’ he slurred , ‘ I- thank you for what you said there , in the presence of that mean-faced bastard !
20 Erm , I would like to close by saying that erm I just thought it would be just a nice idea that I would invite any of you members of the Council and wives who have n't got anything else to do on Christmas morning , if you fancy popping up to my house for a glass of sherry or whatever , just on a casual basis as a little thank you for what you 've done over the erm over the last twelve months , I extend that invitation to you all and District Councillors if they wish to come and I would like to say , on behalf of the Council , that I hope you all have a , this is the last full meeting , and to everybody here I hope you have a very nice happy peaceful Christmas and I hope we all go into the new year with renewed vigour .
21 Thank you for what you did . ’
22 I resent you for engineering it and I resent you for what you think you can do to me in revenge for our affair last year . ’
23 " I 'd like to write to the marquis and thank him for what he did for me .
24 We will work hard and thank everybody for what they have done ’ . ’
25 ‘ When I play , some days it 's off , some days it 's on , and I take it for what it is .
26 i pulled this of rec.sport.soccer ( see last part of mail ) — the post was rather mingled so i have tried to fix it up a little : take it for what it is — a post from memory from a guy somewhere and no mentioning of what year/what cup/ etc. i think the poster has messed up or something — my guess is that the home match is the first mentioned : meaning that G has beaten some respectable teams like PSV , Roma and Frankfurt at home and beating Roma and Frankfurt at aggregate .
27 Their faces are often distorted into gargoyle shapes that appear hideous to us until we see them for what they are , exquisitely fashioned instruments for beaming ultrasound in desired directions .
28 And so it considerably curtails the scope for morality , for it leads to such questions as : Why , if it is genetic factors that make people what they are , praise or blame them for what they do ?
29 They treat you for what you are .
30 See her for what she is .
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