Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [vb infin] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No , but they were n't for them , cos they , does n't really matter , they 've got so much pocket out of gas But the Gas is erm , make them increase prices at five per cent less than the rate of inflation that way .
2 D' you serve strawberries with crab here ? ’
3 Let them make programmes for each other .
4 Discuss with them the issue of sharing tasks and power and let them suggest ideas for improved delegation .
5 ‘ You let them play cards on a Sunday ? ’ commented Eb sourly .
6 ‘ We do n't carry their advertising , but we license our name for their use and let them take pictures of our boats . ’
7 ‘ Then let me make excuses for her ! ’ she flared .
8 ‘ You let someone take pictures of your daughter like this ? ’
9 Envision Publisher is a full-featured desktop publishing program with advanced WYSIWYG ( What You See Is What You Get ) page layout and composition features that let you design documents in an interactive visual environment .
10 Let him match pairs from heap of socks , and he 'll soon learn about colours and sizes .
11 If we stopped trying to rig the market in money and instead let it change hands between willing borrowers and willing lenders , its price would certainly tumble and might just about halve .
12 In practice , it will probably try to get away with transfer prices that let it shift profits into low-tax countries .
13 If the LTA really wants to break down the class barriers in British tennis , then let it encourage families of lesser means into the game — not discourage them .
14 Let us give thanks for the many people throughout history who have dedicated their lives to working for peace and justice .
15 Let us give thanks for the progress made in scientific research , for the luxuries and comforts it has given us , for the assistance in curing disease , with storing information and with improving communications .
16 Let us give thanks for the beauty of the world .
17 Let us give thanks for our homes and for our families , for the people who care for us and look after us and for all the comforts we enjoy .
18 Let us give thanks for the example of love and compassion shown to us by the life of Jesus Christ .
19 Let us give thanks for the example given to us by Jesus Christ .
20 Let us give thanks for the gift of laughter .
21 For simplicity let us group assets into just three types : money , financial assets and physical goods .
22 ‘ Well , ’ she said , pretending to address the whole class , ‘ let us leave sums for the moment and see if any of you have begun to learn to spell .
23 Let us clarify matters by using the term notion to refer to what Wilkins calls semantico-grammatical categories , and function to refer uniquely to what Wilkins calls categories of communicative function .
24 Let us make schemata of coloured mandalas and hang them on the mind 's screens as objects of meditation .
25 Instead of uses of ‘ I ’ , let us consider uses of ‘ It 's me ’ .
26 Let us consider examples of these different kinds of written speech .
27 By all means let us find ways of limiting the use of cars , but in truth , is the real cause of our difficulties not the dramatic rise in numbers of people in this and other countries over the past 70 years ?
28 ( Airily ) Let us keep things in proportion .
29 Come on , SHE , show that times really are a-changing and let us see models with curves !
30 Let us take crickets as an example .
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