Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 What about a chess-playing machine , programmed to examine the board and then ‘ imagine ’ thousands of possible moves and evaluate them in relation to each other ?
2 Change them from fund to fund .
3 Change them from fund to fund , mm .
4 He began to note down suitable thoughts and epigrams on pieces of office copy-paper , not really with the intention of learning them off by heart , but with the idea that he might put them in his jacket pocket and touch them from time to time during the programme to give himself reassurance , knowing that if the worst really came to the worst he could take them out and refresh his memory .
5 Go on say something in french to us Carla .
6 Billie lay there , imagining Adam with that smart-arse grin across his face , as he watched the girl abuse his body , lick it from toe to top .
7 So these pass on their rubbish to garbage companies , which transport it for burial to states like Ohio that still have landfill space .
8 It is a strange sensation , but many sense it from time to time : a consuming desire to part with money .
9 Their biographies provide us with access to the professional and class alliances which fed into the politics of mid-Victorian social reform .
10 They bring plenty of energy to the quick outer movements and rightly relax somewhat in the more lyrical passages ( repeats are observed , too ) .
11 If this was a late addition , one that went into the quarto at the last minute , the printer may have lost four lines of type in the process — or even cut them in order to be able to finish Act 3 tidily on the last page of a quarto sheet : the very next page , as it happens , which left scarcely any room for manoeuvre .
12 But , at the same time , put them on show to the public in a similar manner to the Great Railway Show at York NRM , with occasional use on demonstration freight trains on the Bo'ness and Kinniel Railway .
13 Nobody knows who you are on Remembering Night because you wear black clothes that cover you from head to foot , and there is no name of your name-animal .
14 A soluble form of this protein could bind to the virus and prevent it from binding to human T cells .
15 And they put it on back to front and so she keeps on putting her watch on upside down , she goes and I was feeling dead sick and then it realised it was the stupid cow at the shop with
16 cut it in cardboard to the shape of that is pretty near
17 They had stolen our thunder , put us under pressure to be quick with the business they wanted to complete and left us to flounder in the morass of our own proposals .
18 And part of the mystery of our existence , is if they we If we give ourselves in faith to God , even in the small and inauspicious ways , the consequences of doing that might be enormous .
19 The higglers flog everything from dope to Biros .
20 ‘ But consider it in relation to the circumstances .
21 To fulfil the last of these conditions , the owner may allow viewing by appointment and lend it on request to public collections on short-term loan , in which case the item is entered on the register of conditionally exempt objects , known as the ‘ V & A list' , which is available to the public .
22 I read it from cover to cover and keep every copy .
23 That can mean only that the common agricultural policy is to be reformed in such a way as to take money from the United Kingdom and give it for cohesion to countries outside .
24 You could n't help but contradict yourself from time to time .
25 Cricket , The game of the British amateur par excellence , is now sponsored by tobacco firms and insurance companies whilst footballers advertise everything from double-glazing to Guinness on their shirts .
26 Pain and pan : The tranquillity of Provence has been disturbed by the War of the Bakers NATASHA STEWART Rippling torsos sell everything from ice-cream to watches , while beefcake bimbos like the Chippendales have helped to swell the number of regular weight-trainers to 500,000 as they twitch their biceps around the world .
27 Rippling torsos sell everything from ice-cream to watches , while beefcake bimbos like the Chippendales have helped to swell the number of regular weight-trainers to 500,000 as they twitch their biceps around the world .
28 ‘ Having parted with my dear flock ’ , he says , ‘ I need not say without mutual sense and tears , I left Mr. Baldwin to live privately among them and oversee them in my stead , and visit them from home to home ; advising them , notwithstanding all the injuries they had received and all the failings of the ministers that preached to them and the defects of the present way of worship , that yet they should keep to the public assemblies and make use of such helps as might be had in public , together with this private help … ‘ ( i.e. r.Baldwin ) .
29 Ruth was now a sentient being , that could visit the lavatory alone , wash , feed and clothe itself , amuse itself without recourse to her .
30 As far as my own taste in music is concerned I like everything from ragtime to opera , but prefer the classical composers such as Mozart , Beethoven , Strauss and Tchaikovsky .
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