Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So let's just er to put it in context again , we saw that on the day of the ascension Jesus instructed his friends to go on proclaiming the good news throughout the world to help others become disciples , and bring to them , and bring them to membership of the church through baptism .
2 The police are obviously involved also in other activities which bring them into contact with employees and a good relationship with them in these other areas will often be beneficial to reaching a quick and satisfactory solution to all sides when violence does occur ’ .
3 This is how they are currently treated when we use them as research tools or slaughter them for consumption at our tables .
4 The declared aim of such finance pirates is to break up the giants , and sell them off bit by bit .
5 What about a chess-playing machine , programmed to examine the board and then ‘ imagine ’ thousands of possible moves and evaluate them in relation to each other ?
6 After abandoning an appeal against the decision , Barclays agreed to reinstate the women and compensate them for loss of earnings .
7 Change them from fund to fund .
8 Change them from fund to fund , mm .
9 The child can have his football boots because the words ‘ we ca n't afford it ’ will be linked to the long-gone and not-lamented past : the tyrant can not control against the will of the subject because he can not frighten his people with notions of helplessness and poverty : the employer will have to charm and wheedle his workers if he wants them to work for him : he will have to sing and dance to entertain them : enthuse them with pleasure for their daily toil : they will be paid with the world 's respect , and all around them there will be abundance .
10 So be it but , remaining as I am of the view that they were a correct expression of the law , I repeat them as part of the ratio of my decision in this case .
11 Gather rose hips for seed , layer them with sand in seedboxes and leave outdoors until spring .
12 The suggestion was made that there should be community discussions with LEDU , that West Belfast people , in the absence of ideas from the IDB , are going to have to come up with their own ideas and develop them in conjunction with the universities , industrialists , and so on .
13 Then you strip it of its bark and , while the wood is still green and supple , you bend back the thin limbs and bind them in place with string , When you 've done that you have to leave it on a drying rack above the fire for … oh , I suppose about three months .
14 Make two semi-circular cakes and place them on top of each other to make a football .
15 And if you want them with chocolate on one side they 're one thirty nine .
16 you know , and he said like they want them on record for universities and things and some
17 Treat florist gloxinias as annuals and grow them from seed in spring , or grow from tubers potted up in spring so they are just covered by the compost .
18 Captive funds — generally subsidiaries of the large UK insurance companies , banks and pension funds , which provide them with capital for investment .
19 You have to collect old papers and find the special places where they swap them in return for new toilet paper .
20 For this to occur , we must first get rid of selfish desires , and replace them with desire for God .
21 Glue them in position with some rubber solution adhesive , ensuring that they are firmly fixed to the paper without the glue being visible .
22 He began to note down suitable thoughts and epigrams on pieces of office copy-paper , not really with the intention of learning them off by heart , but with the idea that he might put them in his jacket pocket and touch them from time to time during the programme to give himself reassurance , knowing that if the worst really came to the worst he could take them out and refresh his memory .
23 As before , rank them in order of importance to you by placing a ( 1 ) next to the most important , and so on downwards .
24 With regard to methodology , audio-lingual techniques ( A-LM ) seem to meet this situation as they provide plenty of opportunity for the student to use foreign language responses in the classroom situation and to receive the reinforcement of acceptance and comprehension .
25 b ) They provide plenty of material for phonological and grammatical analysis at all levels .
26 Engaging exercises provide plenty of practice of each grammar point .
27 We expect plenty of interest from those who want to make an unforgettable gift to their partners . ’
28 That 's the clear message coming from Halifax Property Services who expect plenty of interest in this town house .
29 That is correct yes , but only when we encounter somebody in front of us .
30 provide you with cash on tap in the appropriate currency , which can give you an edge in negotiations
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