Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] the [noun] when " in BNC.

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1 I long for the day when those in authority will be united in a common quest to win the lost without worrying about the style of Anglican worship ; when they will see that a prime means to evangelise our nation will be to plant churches and encourage it without worrying about parochial boundaries .
2 He adds : ‘ If you long for the day when Britain can claim to be the first mainly Afro-Asian part of Europe , vote Conservative or Europe . ’
3 These ages correlate with the period when Lakes Turkana and Suguta reached maximum levels on the flanks of the Barrier volcano .
4 Then if the weather 's OK we can have a walk in the afternoon and reminisce about the days when women stayed at home and looked after their menfolk . ’
5 Nor can Colm Henry wait for the day when the whole ‘ chemistry ’ part of photography is done away with .
6 We can continue debating their demise , while we wait for the day when European taxpayers rather than farmers finally call the day on the common agricultural policy .
7 Agents were pondering whether they should n't ‘ hang on to thee rights , and wait for the time when they 're equipped to sell them , ’ as conference chairman Tony Feldman put it later .
8 Cause in the summer when the traffic lights are changing the trees are growing over the ones this side
9 It is better if I wait until the morning when I can see what I am doing . ’
10 I look to the day when the , to see what the tabloids make , when one of these individuals gets clobbered over the head er , in carrying out their duties .
11 Er , we had a breeders ' meeting in October which was I enjoy them very much , I enjoy the the talk because it 's the first chance I get during the year when I can sit down and listen and I do n't have to worry about them generally , in another club , I do n't have to worry about minutes or anything , I just sit and listen and it 's great it , I really enjoy that .
12 In the latter case , the higher-level program is translated as a whole into a lower-level program as a whole , and that process is carried out at a time before and separate from the time when the ( compiled ) program runs .
13 It may not apply to anything but I know in the past when she 's given me those things to try erm she 's got a book at home and it 'll say erm particular
14 Remember in the evening when your ‘ little horror ’ goes off to sleep that tomorrow you will be with them through all the trials and tribulations and can be there to soothe their pains and congratulate their achievements .
15 Er and you then , you get to the time when you 're all going to get in the car and go off .
16 I get to the stage when I can not be bothered .
17 Yeah , and what did you get you see , you get mutations going on in plants so that you get at the moment when the plants themselves are altered , it does n't necessary , necessary mean that they 're killed off , it does n't necessary mean that they are killed off , it means that the actual genes alter , that they go on breathing so you get ginormous sort of cabbages , you know , cabbages that 'll normally be about that size , suddenly become that size
18 And yet at street level in Ireland for many years , the same author was known simply as ‘ the man who writes dirty books ’ , a consequence of his infamous collusion with church and State in the mid-1960s when his second novel ‘ The Dark ’ was banned , allegedly because of suggestions of homosexuality in the characters of the father and priest , as well as the use of the word ‘ fuck ’ and an explicit scene of masturbation .
19 ( Roll on the day when more performers join forces to make mixed recitals of Byrd 's music . )
20 They laugh about the time when Colin was making love with a girlfriend and Bella , in the room next door , heard her moan that her feet were cold .
21 ‘ When the conflict is bitter , think of the time when you were not your own masters , how its bitterness can never be forgotten !
22 Exemptions granted to farmers date from the days when boosting food production was seen as a national priority , says CPRE 's Tony Burton .
23 There is a widespread fallacy that hedgerows date from the period of the Enclosure Acts between 1760 and 1815 and many of our straight ‘ quickest ’ ( Hawthorn ) hedges , certainly date from the period when 5000 Acts enclosed some 7,000,000 acres .
24 Some of my happiest memories date from the time when Father was alive .
25 Most of my work I do in the evenings when he 's in bed , ’ Ashley explained .
26 This evidence for weighing gold shows how the coin was not being used as currency , and it may also be significant that many of the balances date to the period when the debasement of the gold coin was at its most serious .
27 ‘ And we 'll come back to this room some day and laugh at the days when we all thought it would be so dreadful . ’
28 I can begin to be a real father to my girls and prepare for the day when I 'll be a grandfather to their children .
29 A lot of the misconceptions stem from the days when catgut and braided nylon was the stuff you tied your hook to ; when nylon monofilament was something new and therefore not to be trusted .
30 The land is rich in wildlife and many plants still survive from the time when the area was marsh .
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