Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 But maybe cos there was no opportunity , they did n't see there to be I mean like they did n't know any better but as soon as , I mean things are rapidly changing they 're given the opportunity to erm I mean through the struggles to actually take charge of the conditions and to gain so some material and perhaps there was beginnings of them seeing that well perhaps we ought to look more to this sub-culture and to erm
2 ALL change for the up-line to a rosier future .
3 In each of the following situations , discuss whether the item would be included in the profit and loss account for the year to 31 December 1990 and at what amount .
4 I saw Yet drag himself up , eyes charged with fear , and make for the door to the lower regions .
5 Thousands blocked East German rail lines and crowded into stations to try to board the trains en route to Prague , and thus qualify for the trip to West Germany .
6 Hunt as the Surveyor to the Dean and Chapter of the Abbey must have been involved , and it is difficult not to assume that he had a conflict of loyalties in this transaction .
7 ( a ) Initiating the review Many rent review clauses provide for the procedure to be initiated by the service of a notice .
8 Clauses which provide for the expert to be a firm or company are usually found in commercial applications of the type considered in Chapters 2 – 5 .
9 The court may require any property transferred as part of the transaction to be vested in the company , release any security given by the company , require ‘ any person ’ to make payments to the administrator or liquidator in respect of benefits received by him from the company , provide for a guarantor whose obligations have been discharged to be under revived obligations , provide for security to be given for the discharge of obligations imposed by the order and for the priority which such security shall have , and provide for the extent to which persons may be able to prove in the winding up .
10 Full details appear in the Schedule to the Consumer Credit ( Settlement Information ) Regulations 1983 .
11 However , while ‘ care package ’ and ‘ care planning ’ both appear in the glossary to this document , ‘ care programme ’ is conspicuous by its absence .
12 They descend from the rectum to the internal anal sphincter and do not use the classical neurotransmitter substances , acetylcholine and noradrenaline .
13 If ministers appear to the courts to be acting in a way which is arbitrary or unfair ( as in Padfield and Tameside and Laker ) then the limitations will be insisted on .
14 ‘ The court may grant the application if — ( a ) the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross demand which equals or exceeds the amount of the debt or debts specified in the statutory demand ; or ( b ) the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial ; or … ( d ) the court is satisfied , on other grounds , that the demand ought to be set aside .
15 The court may set aside the demand if the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross claim equalling or exceeding the debt demanded , the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial , the creditor appears to hold some security for the debt of sufficient value , or the court is satisfied on other grounds that the demand ought to be set aside .
16 Wales YFC is an affiliated member of CPRW and the definition of such is ‘ a corporate member whose objects appear to the Council to be similar to those of CPRW ’ .
17 A person may be nominated for direct entry to fellowship if , by reason of public standing and professional experience , they appear to the council to be able and willing to personally advance the objectives of the Association .
18 Before summarising what appear to the writer to be the major points of difference between the two value positions , it might be advisable first to outline their apparent areas of agreement .
19 ( 1 ) For the purposes of the discharge of its functions under this Act , every licensing board ( a ) shall hold a meeting in January , March , June and October of each year beginning on a date in each such month fixed by the licensing board at least eight weeks prior to the meeting ; ( ii ) may hold such other meetings as appear to the board to be appropriate .
20 Another and perhaps even more striking example of the undesirability of the practice can be found in the case of Woolwich Equitable Building Society v. IRC where the finance Act 1985 had included sections enabling the Inland Revenue to make regulations for the payment by building societies of tax on ‘ such sums as may be determined in accordance with regulations ’ and went on to provide that any such regulations might contain ‘ such incidental and consequential provisions as appear to the Board to be appropriate ’ .
21 And , finally , , and appear on the road to the second law of thermodynamics .
22 Claire Hunt , for instance , noted in 1988 of North Western brewers Robinsons that they ‘ appear on the whole to be fairly oblivious to the individual merits of their historic pubs . ’
23 The more we head down the path to a single European voice in the world community , the more likely it is that the Community , as an institution , will take the permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council that we have rightly enjoyed , as have the French , since the United Nations was established .
24 I head down the track to the road , then look back to the car ; it 's almost fully hidden .
25 Jenny reappeared soon enough and she suggested that we nip down the road to a little pâtisserie she knew , which of course we did .
26 Winston watched him hurry down the drive to his car .
27 The problem is that most tenant 's covenants appear at the outset to be quite reasonable and innocuous , but if a week is a long time in politics then 25 years is a lifetime in property during which circumstances can and will change with a result that a previously innocent-looking covenant could become highly restrictive and troublesome .
28 times Snaith was a busy port with a harbour and ferry across the river to Selby , one of the few Aire crossings in the area .
29 Oh , I felt tempted to wander , to spend one day , one night in my old haunts or slip across the river to the stews and brothels of Southwark but Benjamin insisted I follow my own advice .
30 I think I will go outside , and walk through the graveyard to the church , and talk to Maria there .
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