Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 Some , but only some , members of the resistance distinguish between the Palestinians who were brought in by the Iraqis to do a bit of their dirty work , and Kuwait 's large and long-established Palestinian population .
2 He says if people had listen to the voices who were calling for him to be locked up then he would n't have had this chance to show an improvement .
3 The businessmen who last year jostled to fill Mr Collor 's campaign chest now sound like the turkeys who cackled for an early Christmas .
4 Look at the players who have come through and learned to compete at the highest level ’ , the captain said before citing Wright , Carl Hogg and the 20-year-old Kenny Logan , all new caps .
5 Look at the men who got killed in the Dardanelles because of him . ’
6 And er really when you sort of l look at the children who were born during the war and were brought up during the war , they 're all pretty strong and healthy .
7 Would you like me to check the mail — or attend to the women who were to go for a bush walk ? ’
8 Just keep things quiet and unemotional , and talk to the ones who are awake . ’
9 If nobody gets an overall majority , the candidate coming last is eliminated and his votes go to the candidates who were second preference .
10 it is likely that most of the visitors , as they stand looking at Mary Alice , wonder about the men who flew in her and what a 30 mission combat tour ’ entailed to these men of the 8th USAAF during the daylight bombing offensive in occupied Europe .
11 Bear with the organisers who are running these trains both for our benefit and fun but also to raise funds to maintain their locomotives .
12 The legs belong to the men who 've organized the hunt .
13 Some later biographies survive of the Pythagoreans who settled in Italy , and these describe the oligarchic governments and even federations of cities which they established , but the details can not be trusted : ‘ saint literature ’ is notoriously fanciful , and these are hellenistic treatises whose authors had ideas of their own about the theory of kingship ; these have probably contaminated the biographical material beyond salvage .
14 The best undergraduate studies usually come from the students who can see the possible application of a theory or concept to a specific empirical example .
15 Below these are Planning Units whose heads have overall managerial responsibility for their Units and answer to the Provosts who , in turn , sit on the Central Management Group chaired by the Principal .
16 One of the , the tasks I have to do in May each year , is I write to the candidates who 've just taken a year off , who 've been away for the last two-thirds of a year , and I write to them and say , ‘ You 've been away for two-thirds of a year .
17 It is the people who work in the institutions who are most exposed to our dislike .
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