Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 But Mr Pialat 's feeling for la vie quotidienne and languid afternoons on river banks , contrasted with the bustle and frenzy of the Paris scenes , amply compensate for a lack of historical detail .
2 In later years a boy may continue to look unconsciously for a mother with whom to relate , or a girl for a father to take the place of a loved parent or compensate for a lack of satisfaction in that direction .
3 The conventional notion of literary ‘ tradition ’ does , it is true , compensate for the lack of an historical overview , but because it implies a common pool of resources repeatedly drawn on by a succession of different writers , it is profoundly antithetical to Formalism and its key principle of defamiliarization .
4 A successful team blends these different roles together so that the strengths of one compensate for the weaknesses of another .
5 Added to this is the perpetual insecurity reserve police suffer as a result of the management 's control over the renewal of their contract : and sergeants are not averse to using this as a threat in parades .
6 For example , under the Land Compensation Act 1973 property owners are entitled to compensation for depreciation in the value of their land caused by such things as noise , vibration , smells , and fumes , resulting from public works , The underlying reasoning is that since the public is presumed to benefit greatly from the building of a motorway ( for example ) , private citizens who suffer as a result of its construction should not have to bear their loss for the sake of that wider public interest .
7 What is theoretically and politically interesting and puzzling is not that it has been defended by the powerful and the better-off sections of the community but that it has been so widely accepted by those who suffer as a result of its continuance .
8 These may be provoked by the lowered self esteem that many suffer as a result of teasing and criticism by peers , parents , and teachers .
9 The problem drinker in our society can be defined as any person who experiences social , psychological or physical problems as a consequence of his or her own repeated drinking , and services should not only be aimed at the individuals themselves but also at family members who suffer as a result of someone else 's drinking .
10 As we will see in Chapter 9 , one way in which the organisation of the mental lexicon is being investigated is by studying the kinds of language disorders which adults suffer as a result of certain kinds of brain damage .
11 Let us pray for all who suffer as a result of war :
12 Returning now to that day in 1811 , the hair-raising events of those next few hours graphically unfold through the words of the voyagers themselves , taken from a contemporary account in The Gentleman 's Magazine :
13 My right hon. Friend knows that Opposition parties constantly carp about the level of pensions in Britain .
14 Thus , Palmer and Frank ( 1988 ) distinguish between the interpretation of a man-made image ( whose meaning is to be reconstructed ) , and a ‘ natural ’ image ( whose meaning has to be extracted and standardized with belief systems ) .
15 According to Alexander Henderson , in The History of Ancient Wines ( 1824 ) , the ninth century saw the beginning of a distinction between the various wines of Champagne ; references henceforth distinguish between the wines of the Vallée de la Marne and those of the Montagne de Reims .
16 They distinguish between the function of language as imparting meaning , ‘ making statements which can be assigned a set of truth conditions ’ ( ibid. ) , and its function of regulating and maintaining social or interpersonal relations between people .
17 The happy medium mean between the extremes of hot and cold furnishes to the chaste and sober eye all that can be wished for . ’
18 Any firm decisions on holding early elections to a new legislature ( the Seimas ) were blocked in June by the political split which had repeatedly left the current legislature , the Supreme Council , inquorate as a result of boycotts .
19 Equally , with the use of appropriate figures , it would show that CDs become more liquid , the nearer they get to maturity , i.e. the nearer to maturity they get , the smaller is the loss or gain as a result of changes in prevailing yields .
20 University or polytechnic students should apply to their Careers Service for a list of possible employers while school leavers may be advised by the school or college careers adviser or the local authority careers adviser .
21 They are both over 450 yards and their design , as they curve through the protection of the heavy trees with a scattering of bunkers on the angles of the fairways , induces tremors in even the most hardened competitors .
22 I can see this light shining from the side , so I squeeze through a couple of trolleys to see if I can get out that way .
23 Whatever the rapture of first love and the obsessiveness of courtship ( sweet old fashioned word ) and marriage , it is a class act which can retain that rapture through the rigours of parenthood , child care and mortgage repayment .
24 Since many of the evangelicals shared Billy Graham 's opinions and valued his methods and saw the good which he did , his article stirred wrath among them and fear about the Bishop of Durham becoming the Archbishop of York .
25 Fear about the impact of Ecstasy on health is growing .
26 It follows that ‘ those sensations must be all that we can , at bottom , mean by their attributes ; and the distinction which we verbally make between the properties of things and the sensations we receive from them , must originate in the convenience of discourse rather than in the nature of what is signified by the terms ’ .
27 ‘ You who so often preach about the catholicity of the Anglican Church , and believe it too . ’
28 The craftsmen , and we shall always need them , combine through the use of the whole range of human skills such extra elements as proportion , difference , originality , and the ability to work with the grain or the particular unique characteristics of the materials they work with .
29 Regret for the loss of the use of force against those who reneged on their promise to pay later may still be harboured by some in secret , but no longer publicly .
30 National styles in music can be powerful , especially when the listeners of one nation are presented with music so powerfully impressed with what they perceive as the style of another .
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