Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now you 're moving to Bilborough , you 're moving to Bilborough erm just say in five years time they got rid of the flats erm and they built houses on here on the site , would you move back ?
2 Other than these disclosures , the DTI may also take action towards disqualification or prosecute on other Companies Act offences .
3 I have been led to believe that you act as Public Relations Advisor to certain landowners within Highland Region , and should value an opportunity to discuss with you , initially very informally , certain projects for the Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland which which I am involved , if this is in fact the case ?
4 Punjab worries ease as Sikh drops plea for homeland Singh 's National Front endorsed by acclaim .
5 The DNA segment in which the five mutations that interfere with CytR-DNA interactions map may be viewed as an imperfect inverted repeat containing the sequence 5'TGCAA on the top strand and 5'TACAA on the bottom strand ( Fig. 1 ) .
6 Excluding the cold tundra , deserts range from 50 degrees North in Central Asia to within a few degrees of the equator in South America , with the result that temperature conditions vary considerably .
7 Count in three times table then
8 Climber & Hill Walker August 1991 £1.60 Gimmer Crack A quality climb French limestone A guide for middle graders Mountain walking In Africa and the Yorkshire Dales Volume XXX No.8 August 1991
9 Then Carole 'll give me five pound a week now look , and then you finish in two weeks love and then you can order covers or whatever you wan na order .
10 And the Cid made answer , Give within thirty days time , as is the right of the hidalgos ; and the King said he would come and look for him .
11 Rare plants flourish in old goods yard
12 O K , so financial underwriting , is on a hundred thousand and above , you look at four times salary .
13 Tonight , in the first of a two-part series , we look at those crafts Hand Made in the Cotswolds .
14 Look at those shoes dad , that 's ages ago
15 That in that shop , we got the serviettes from ah , look at those elephants mum .
16 In Section 6.3 we look at structured systems analysis and design , in Section 6.4 at participation and in Section 6.5 at prototyping .
17 And we know from twenty years experience of doing this
18 the other option of course is not to do that and to try and gain some experience erm m maybe voluntary for some of the time so that maybe I can then spend you know in another years time get a job which is a bit more relevant and I 'll be able to earn some money .
19 which all goes to show that yes , you know in large doses radiation can be harmful to you , er but in the sort , the sort of levels that you and I are likely to come across er almost certainly something else will get you first .
20 I do however point out that the passage in question does not in terms refer to any admissions policy which the school or local authority has adopted nor does it indicate any fixed way in which an appeal committee should approach the importance of such admissions policy .
21 Many who suffer from these diseases experience years of ill-health and subsequent loss of productivity .
22 By the time you 've bought them some cigarettes and given them some money for the pub and said well if there er and the car has n't got any petrol so you pay for ten pounds worth of petrol .
23 Appeal against wasted costs order .
24 He said , now go to go to your section house get a sports jacket or something , and go with this police officer , he said I 'll get a police van , he said go with this police officer to Liverpool Street Station , he said and take charge of this prisoner while he gets a ticket , for Ipswich .
25 He said , now go to go to your section house get a sports jacket or something , and go with this police officer , he said I 'll get a police van , he said go with this police officer to Liverpool Street Station , he said and take charge of this prisoner while he gets a ticket , for Ipswich .
26 The framework set for the business as a whole should usually consist of two sections Part 1 : general guidelines that apply to all sectors Part 2 : specific guidelines for each function or service within each sector .
27 PC Pick is one of the organisers of the Newcastle Police Aid to Romanian Children charity , which has delivered about £4m worth of supplies to the troubled country in the past two years .
28 Erm I think for some reasons Trudy we so a rogue in there , bridge assessment records , I applies to P Way .
29 However , error introduced into digital map databases through the digitizing process is often ignored because the characteristics of digitizing error have not been fully defined and because no practical means of handling input data uncertainty exist within proprietary GIS software .
30 Du n no I , there 's a friend of mine and I 'm selling it in the pa have to advertise in the paper as well so that money 's going to it , I 've made , I 'm having a word with the bank manager for business facilities and then opening an account with him at the bank to er basically get some extra , a business account going which I do n't touch , er I need to get credit facilities done on the bank , accounts and stuff , dad 's gon na look through it completely with me and work everything out , but for the next six , seven weeks I 'll be too busy with the school work to really concentrate on it , cos exams start at seven weeks time now
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