Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 We begin by looking at the negative emotions .
2 Get into printing at the John Peel Children 's Centre
3 Train for accuracy , range and control by aiming at a target mitt ( this is not suitable for front kick practice ) .
4 Yet as we unbend from looking at the grass
5 Now we continue by looking at the inside workings of the process at the national level , beginning with a discussion of executives and assemblies .
6 Other navies might stick to the old tactics of trying to board enemy ships and capture them , or concentrate on firing at the masts and rigging in the hope that successful shooting would disable the other side , but the English preferred to shoot into the hulls of their enemies because they knew that with enough time and enough shot they would destroy their opponents .
7 ‘ And as you insist on leaving at the end of the month , ’ he added blandly , ‘ I 'd like everything — but everything — bang up to date . ’
8 J.S. When someone who has cancer is finally dying , that 's one thing , but many families go into mourning at the first diagnosis as a form of disavowing their own pain and fears .
9 And one of the things that archaeologists do all their time is try by looking at the evidence , whether it 's stuff that comes from the ground , landscapes or old buildings , to try and understand the changes that have happened through time , to see things that were there that have gone , and to work out what
10 think of looking at the date , I knew the dates twenty fourth to the twenty seventh , I never , I never thought to look , but er
11 ‘ I disapprove of killing at the best of times , Ace , but , and this is vitally important , you must never kill anyone with a role in recorded history if you can possibly avoid it .
12 I take in my opinion the size , scale of settlement that is being pursued by erm North Yorkshire is of sufficient size , erm my experience erm are twelve fifty to fifteen hundred new settlement is sort of of a size that can sustain a reasonable balance of community facilities , I think in looking at the new village and in the context of P P G thirteen its highway implications , we see from table one of er Mr Curtis 's supplementary statement that public transport , I E bus and train , in terms of journeys to work to the Greater York area amounts to about eight percent of all journeys made , now I think if we were to follow Mr Curtis 's view through and put all development on the periphery of York , if we put two hundred to the North , two hundred to the East , two hundred to the South and so on and so forth , the contribution that those , that new housing can make to improving the public transport system , will be very small , if you concentrate your developments in a new settlement , or or maybe two new settlements which is another point , erm you have a better opportunity to provide a public transport system which would not only serve that new village , but also settlements in the surroundings , and I think you will find that the percentage of people in the new village who are reliant on public transport as a means of getting to work is greater that what you find in the Greater York area at the present time .
13 Start by looking at the stocks carried by builders ' merchants in your area .
14 We start by looking at the colour of the beer and then we try the smell .
15 The reports come amid fighting at the country 's principal military airbase at Bagram , 40 miles from the capital .
16 Indie rock is the traditional playground of scruffy teenagers approaching college age who prefer to celebrate gazing at the stars than admit to peeking at the opposite sex .
17 How much does society lose by producing at the free market equilibrium point E rather than at the socially efficient point E ' ; ?
18 All of these needs , additional to the demands which confront individual teachers in their subject and departmental roles , have to met at a time when the morale of teachers is dangerously low , and the supply of teachers in some subjects and localities is breaking down .
19 I wan na look at the animals .
20 Identify the type of drive you have by looking at the cable .
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