Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These remain unused for the entire time that the child is in nappies .
2 It may , in fact , be better to organise it for the day after you move , because being certain that everything will run according to plan on the day of the move is almost impossible , so it is better to do without your cooker overnight and schedule this for the next morning when you know you are definitely going to be there .
3 The problems appear critical for the 20 per cent of the Merseyside population living in the poorest council housing and especially in the district of Knowsley where 48 per cent of the population ( six times the national average ) live in such areas .
4 In their latest show , ‘ New Democratic Pictures ’ ( the first in Britain for three years ) , Gilbert and George ( who often appear alongside their exclusively male models ) pose naked for the first time .
5 And their answers are startling as they frankly reveal all for the first time .
6 They charge 4 for the first hour and 3 for the next .
7 In practice many targets remain unchanged for the following year and alterations are normally within the range of 10 per cent up or down .
8 Devine improved for the fourth time this winter when he reached 64.40 metres at a meeting in Melbourne .
9 Given the decision to opt out of the social charter in Europe can the Prime Minister confirm that he is planning to fight the next general election on the slogan ’ Vote Tory for the lowest wages , least consultation and worst employment protection in Europe ’ ?
10 Looking back at the decade of 1965–75 , which Bacon and Eltis consider critical for the economic health of the country , one can see that there was no shortage of labour because unemployment increased during this period .
11 If Blatnik 's analysis is correct , then things look bleak for the smaller vendors , all trying to gain a significant share of the action .
12 Ea transgene copy number ( Figure 2D ) was determined by Southern blots of DNA derived from transgenic mice spleens , digested with the restriction enzyme Kpn I , and then hybridised using a DNA probe specific for the second exon of Ea .
13 Four finalists in the Tractor Driver of the year Competition get set for the deciding test at Silsoe Research Institute .
14 This family of intracellular calcium channels displays the regenerative process of calcium-induced calcium release responsible for the complex spatiotemporal patterns of calcium waves and oscillations .
15 No , it 's two , you get one for the right answer
16 When the Ea transgene expression was normalised to Eb expression instead of to β-actin alone , the Ea transgene expression was again shown to be position-independent and copy number-dependent for the Long constructs ( final column in Table 1 , including Long 11 ) .
17 Above : The Euro Disney President and Vice-President get ready for the grand opening
18 However you enjoy the sun — get ready for the long , hot Ontario summer .
19 And as they get ready for the Big One , the title decider , the lads will clutch at every available straw .
21 Local authorities remain responsible for the basic costs and the task of collecting household waste .
22 Well we pay that for the other coal .
23 I feel sorry for the poor person who has to translate it .
24 I feel sorry for the poor man !
25 If we feel sorry for the dying cat that can not understand what is happening to it , we should remember that it has one enormous advantage over us : it has no fear of death , which is something we humans must all carry with us throughout our long lives .
26 I feel sorry for the little girl and I suggest to the writer that she consoles her daughter by telling her that the vile custom of killing wild animals for fun is on the way out , that almost all british people feel as she does , and are determined to end such cruelty , and that she can help to bring about its end by supporting the League Against Cruel Sports and talking about the work they do to her schoolfriends .
27 Natalie Merchant 's voice — so emotive it could make you like a song about King Of The Gits Jack Kerouac and feel sorry for the little bunny rabbits that we cruelly kill for a laugh — rose through songs which flew and were simultaneously ecstatic and melancholy .
28 I feel sorry for the French Commando being carried by the two German soldiers .
29 They feel guilty for the black predicament , as if the Jews caused it . ’
30 You will probably find that you perform very badly and feel dreadful for the first few minutes .
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